
  • Introduction
  • Losing localized fat: it’s possible
  • Localized Fat Loss Studies
  • To lose localized fat, you need to prioritize cardio or weight training
  • Or you should focus your efforts on something else
  • It all starts with a good diet
    • A few simple rules for a diet that does not stress
    • On the concept of diet
  • Stay hydrated for optimal results
  • Food supplements to help you lose localized, good or bad idea

Those who are embarking on a path of weight loss ask more and more often if it is possible to eliminate localized fat.
Technically the answer is no, because fat burns evenly throughout the body, but it is possible to work on specific areas to tone and firm them. This can only be done with a lot of exercise.
The theory behind localized fat reduction is that when you exercise a number of muscles, you burn fat in that area at the same time. For example, if you perform abdominal exercises, you will lose stomach fat.
In reality, this is not exactly the case, because weight loss involves the whole body and there is no way to lose fat in one particular area. But by following a healthy and balanced diet, a cardio workout at least 3 hours a week, and specific exercises for certain areas, you will succeed.
You will be able to lose weight and at the same time tone the area of ​​your body, where fat tends to be deposited. Losing localized fat: it is possible
An example is the crunch, a popular abdominal exercise. When performing a crunch, the abdominal muscles are strained. If you continue with abdominal exercises regularly, your abdominal muscles will become bigger and stronger.
After consuming a meal, the excess calories turn into subcutaneous fat which has been stored. This process is reversed in exercise, when calories are transformed into energy for the muscles. Since exercise consumes calories in your body, any type of exercise will help you lose pounds.
This means that doing some abdominal exercises will help you lose abdominal fat, but no more than it will help you lose weight from the rest of your body.
When the body burns the fat deposits, it does not use the deposits closest to the muscles that are activated, but it burns them a bit randomly throughout the body.
Exercising a certain muscle group can be valuable exercise, but don’t expect it to reduce fat in a targeted way. Studies on Localized Fat Loss
Many studies on the subject established long ago that targeting specific areas of the body was impossible. The myth persisted largely due to the efforts of unscrupulous advertisers. Turn on the TV and you will probably find yourself in front of an advertisement that sells a weight loss product of dubious efficacy and scientifically invalid.
Many of these products claim to reduce fat in a targeted way: for example, some devices try to eliminate fat by electrically stimulating the muscles. Don’t believe the advertisements.
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, especially when someone is trying to sell something. To Lose Localized Fat You Must Prioritize Cardio or Weight Training
For decades, cardio was thought to be the best weight loss exercise. At some point we started talking about weight training to stimulate the metabolism and lose weight even at rest.
But let’s do some clarity. It is true that any type of exercise is fine for losing weight, but surely there will be one better than another.
According to a study carried out by researchers at Duke University, after 8 months of monitoring 119 previously sedentary overweight volunteers, aerobic exercise was determined to outweigh weight training, and by a lot.
The cardio group lost nearly 2 kg, while their peers who did weight training gained two. Obviously, the weight gain was attributed to the added lean mass. However, that muscle mass did not lead to any significant fat loss over the course of the study.
While the cardio group lost 2 kg, the weight training group didn’t lose even 1 g, despite training almost 1 hour more than the other group.
Therefore, it seems clear to us that cardio training is the most suitable for those who want to lose weight and eliminate fat. Or should you focus your efforts on something else
. It is simply impossible to influence your body to shed more fat in a certain area. The body of each person has some prerogatives, including genetic ones, and on the basis of these the fat is deposited more in one area rather than another.
If you want to lose fat in a certain area, you will have to lose weight in general. This means living healthily.
Exercise regularly (preferably every day, but at least three or four times a week) and eat a diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, and few high-fat, salty or processed products.
The best activity for losing weight and burning fat is cardio.
It would be great if it were only possible to reduce fat in certain areas, but unfortunately it is not possible to do so, although, as we said, by focusing on diet, training and cardio, you can reshape some specific areas. It all starts with a good diet
. Rules provide structure. When we choose to lose weight, we usually want to do it with as little stress and effort as possible. With a well-defined structure, the weight loss process is often easier because we don’t have to add unnecessary stress to our fat loss journey. The rules tell us what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat.
Following a diet is not as difficult as you think, and especially if your problem is a poor diet, you will eat even more by following a specific plan.
Maybe you eat the wrong foods. A few simple rules for a non-stressful diet
In any case, the typical rules of the diet often include:
-Eat three basic meals and two small snacks every day;
-Never skip breakfast;
-Avoid eating after dinner;
-Eat a certain number of calories per day, based on your physical characteristics;
– Keep your carbohydrate intake below a certain percentage (always based on your characteristics);
-Do not eat white starches: white rice, white bread or white pasta;
-Avoid intake of processed foods.
Many of these dietary rules have their roots in intelligent nutrition science.
For example, many people who are trying to lose weight manage to diet well when they eat often. On the concept of diet
Having three main meals and two small snacks each day keeps blood sugars at a constant rate and fights hunger fits that can lead you to binge.
Likewise, some studies have shown that those who eat breakfast are able to lose weight more effectively and maintain it. But just because a particular guideline works for one person doesn’t mean it will work for another. And sometimes, diet rules cause more harm than good.
In fact, many people are completely abandoning the idea of ​​”dieting” and instead develop their own long-term approach to a nutritious and sustainable diet based on their needs and lifestyle. Keeping hydrated for optimal results
We know that water is very important for our body.
All experts in the field recommend drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, but the amount can increase based on some habits and also based on the duration of daily physical exercise.
Drinking plenty of water is essential for a healthy body, as water carries nutrients and eliminates waste.
Within our body, water plays an essential role and we need to stay hydrated so that nutrients and fluids can be exchanged properly within our body.
If you are on a weight loss diet and exercise every day or at least 3-4 times a week, drinking adequate amounts of water helps your body metabolize fat and avoid water retention.Food supplements to help you lose localized, good or bad idea
Food supplements can be the result of a mix of vitamins, minerals, herbs or other plants, amino acids, or parts of these substances.
They can be in the form of pills, capsules, tablets or liquids.
They supplement the diet and should not be considered a substitute for food.
Dietary supplements are widely available in health food stores, pharmacies, on the internet.
Common dietary supplements include vitamins and minerals (such as vitamin C or a multivitamin), as well as herbs and plant products, and substances that come from a natural source, such as omega 3 fatty acids.
Generally, dietary supplements contribute to the maintenance of health and well-being, but there are also supplements that help in the weight loss process.
These types of supplements may also contain chemicals and are the types of supplements that we do not recommend and that even specialists in the field usually advise against.
However, there are also supplements that can help you in the weight loss process, made with natural products and which, therefore, have no side effects.
They are supplements based on herbal extracts or caffeine and other natural products, which will help you lose weight by stimulating your metabolism and making it more efficient and ready to burn fat.

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