A long applause and a standing ovation from the entire Chamber of Deputies welcomed the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in video link with the Italian Parliament. “The Russian invasion is destroying families, the war continues to devastate Ukrainian cities, some are completely destroyed like Mariupol, which had half a million inhabitants, and like Genoa, imagine Genoa completely burned”. Zelensky said in connection with the Chamber of Deputies, in a speech lasting about 15 minutes. Zelensky beginning his speech recalled the phone call he had with Pope Francis shortly before the connection . Then the Ukrainian leader stressed: “We must do everything possible to ensure peace andstop a war organized by one person for years. You know the Ukrainians well, a people who never wanted war, who are European like you. You know very well who brought the war, who orders to fight “, said Zelensky, referring to the leader of the Kremlin, Vladimir Putin.
Zelensky recalled the number of victims, in particular that of children who died as a result of the conflict, 117. “The war must end as soon as possible, we must protect Ukrainian families, we must restore peace, clear the land from mines and rebuild Ukraine after the war, together with you, with Italy, together with Europe, together in the ‘European Union “, stressed
Zelensky,“The invasion has lasted for 27 months, exactly one month, so we need other sanctions, other pressures so that Russia does not seek military reserves in Syria or Libya, but so that Russia seeks peace”. But he did not renew the request, already made before other parliaments of NATO states (USA, Canada, Canada among others), to establish a “no-fly-zone”on Ukraine. “Their goal – he later declared – is Europe, to influence your lives, to have control over your politics and the destruction of your values. Ukraine is the gate for the Russian army, they want to enter Europe. but barbarism must not enter “. “Your strength must stop only one person so that millions can survive,” she then concluded. “Glory to Ukraine and thanks to Italy”, said Zelensky before receiving the ovation of the hemicycle, who stood up and applauded the speech.
Prime Minister Mario Draghi defined it as an “extraordinary testimony”taking the floor at the end of his speech and thanking Zelensky for the intervention. “Since the beginning of the war, Italy has admired the courage, determination and patriotism of the Ukrainian president and citizens,” said the prime minister. “Your resistance is heroic” and he added “today Ukraine is not only defending itself but our peace, freedom and security”.
Then he underlined: “The arrogance of the Russian government has clashed with the dignity of the Ukrainian people, which is holding back the expansionist aims of Moscow”. And in this regard, he reiterated the need for a ” path of greater closeness of Ukraine to Europe : and a long process made up of necessary reforms. Italy and alongside theItaly wants Ukraine to join the European Union . ” The Presidents of the Chamber and Senate, Roberto Fico and Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, present in the Chamber of Deputies.
The full government. Present Enrico Letta, Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Renzi . In the Chamber there are four parliamentarians wearing a yellow-blue outfit, the colors of the Ukrainian flag: among them we recognize Senator Julia Unterberger of the group for Autonomies.
Many deputies and senators (in particular Pd and Iv) have chosen to wear badges with the colors of the Ukrainian flag Some deputies (especially of the 5 Star Movement) have instead opted for the red-fuchsia bow that symbolizes war rape crimes.
However, the House was not sold out. Although all the deputies and senators were invited, there were still some free benches and empty stands.