Have you ever had yellow spots on your skin What they might indicate
What causes
them How do we recognize them
What we should do
There are ways to prevent them
If you are looking for information about yellow spots on your skin, for example why you have seen them on your body, for example, or even simply out of curiosity, then you are in the right place because today we will dissolve all doubts on the subject.
What are yellow spots on the skin
First of all, to better understand the condition we are going to talk about today, it is advisable to give a brief explanation of what yellow spots on the skin actually are.
Intuitively, with the term yellow spots on the skin , we refer to a condition in which, on our skin tissue, these spots appear which are precisely characterized by a yellowish color.
This condition is not to be confused with another similar one, in which the whole skin takes on a yellow, almost orange appearance. In these cases it is a completely different situation in which the abnormal color of the skin could also be caused by an excessive intake of some particular foods such as carrots.
Also, when the skin is uniformly yellow in color, it could also be a jaundice condition that reflects more serious liver problems.
When we talk about yellow spots on the skin we are referring to a completely different and very common condition that can be caused by a wide range of factors and, to understand what our cause is, it would be advisable to go to a dermatologist who will do a careful analysis.
In any case, keep in mind the fact that, in general, when our skin changes color or in any case its appearance, the reason is to be found in some type of trauma, be it biological, physical or chemical. So let’s see how it works in the case of yellow spots on the skin. What causes yellow spots on the skin
As we have already said in the previous paragraph, when we are dealing with yellow spots on the skin
, the causes can be really many. For this reason it is advisable that a good dermatologist make us a precise diagnosis.
These causes can also be quite serious and, among the most frequent we remember above all the pathological conditions that we show you below:
- Ringworm , which is a pathological condition in which a fungal infection is in progress that compromises the state of the skin, sometimes causing even yellow spots;
- A keratoderma which occurs as a symptom of other diseases and which mainly affects the skin of the hands and feet, causing a thickening which, at times, tends to yellowish;
- Psoriasis , which is another skin disease in which the skin tissue appears thickened and peels off, taking on this yellowish color. This condition is often a cause of discomfort for those who suffer from it;
- A xanthoma, which is a condition in which there is an accumulation of lipids which, in turn, leads to the appearance of yellow spots on the skin.
Furthermore, these conditions should not be confused with the yellowing of the skin, or rather of the fingers, which is caused by smoking, or rather, by the nicotine found in cigarettes and which causes this yellowing especially if we smoke too much.
These are just some of the main conditions in which these unsightly yellow spots form on the skin. However, there are many other types of dermatitis that have this symptom and, precisely for this reason, as we have already said above, it is advisable to contact the specialist.
How do we recognize yellow spots on the skin
Recognizing yellow spots on the skinit’s very simple. Intuitively, we must inspect the epidermis and identify those portions that appear with this anomalous yellowish coloring.
Obviously, in addition to the yellow spots on the skin, there may be many other symptoms, depending on the condition that triggered the problem. For example, in the case of psoriasis, not only the skin may have yellow spots, but it also appears thickened, dry, irritated and scaly.
Also for these reasons, as soon as we notice these anomalous spots on the epidermis, it is advisable to call the family doctor, even better a good dermatologist. So let’s see in the next paragraph how we should behave in these cases.
What needs to be done in these cases
As we said in the course of our article, in the case of yellow spots on the skin , it would be advisable to contact a good dermatologist so that, thanks to his knowledge and experience, he can make a precise diagnosis.
In fact, the specialist, after having subjected us to a thorough examination, after having inspected our skin and, possibly, after having made an evaluation of the other possible symptoms, will be able to find the cause of the problem, and therefore also the best treatment for take care of our situation.
From all this, it is clear that the intended treatment depends on the cause that caused these yellow spots on the skin. In general, we can say that topical drugs are generally prescribed, i.e. medicines that will be applied directly to the affected area.
Among these drugs the most common are above all the following:
- I cortisonici;
- Anti-inflammatory drugs;
- Antifungal drugs.
In any case, remember that you must never resort to a self-diagnosis and, therefore, not even any do-it-yourself remedies, especially if these are natural. In fact, if you prefer to use non-synthetic remedies, we recommend that you ask your dermatologist which ones are the most effective for your situation.
This is because some natural remedies may interfere with taking any medications, even those you may be taking to treat conditions that have nothing to do with yellow spots on the skin.
Finally, it is good to remember that there are some pathologieswhich, unfortunately, do not have treatments that completely cure them, for example psoriasis. However, in these cases, the specialist will prescribe the necessary medications to control the symptoms , which are often very uncomfortable.
There are ways to prevent yellow spots on the skin
Like the treatments we can use to solve the problem, even in the case of yellow spots prevention we must refer to the factor that caused them.
In any case, leading a healthy lifestyle , which includes a balanced diet and the right physical activity, would help us prevent most pathological conditions, even the most serious.
Last but not least, you must remember to contact your doctor for any problem that arises in your body, only in this way can you intervene in a timely manner in the presence of any condition.
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