July 21 is one of the most important dates of the year because World Dog Day is celebrated . A celebration whose origin dates back to 2004 and is motivated not only to honor man’s best friend, but also to raise awareness about the large number of dogs that are abandoned each year. According to data provided by the World Health Organization, 70% of dogs in the world do not have a home. About when is the Day of the Dog , in the same way that it happens with other celebrations, it does not take place on the same date all over the world. For example, in the United States, Guatemala or Colombia it is celebrated on August 26.
When is Dog Day and why is it celebrated
July 21 is not the only date of the year that commemorates the dogs. The International Day of the Stray Dog is celebrated on July 27, the Day of the Dog without Breed on May 28, the Day of the Adopted Dog on September 23, the Day of the Working Dog on December 6 and the Day of taking to the Dog to the Office on June 22. About why the Day of the Dog is on July 21 there is no clear explanation about the origin of this celebration. There are different theories about it, but the most accepted of all is the one that says that the date was chosen because July is a vacation month and, unfortunately, there are those who abandon their pets.
5 toys and food to celebrate
dog day with your furry friend
World Dog Day , below we have selected some products for our furry friends.
Water Bottle for Dogs
This is one of the best-selling products on Amazon, and it is extremely practical to carry the dog’s drink and food anywhere . Includes a water bottle and food container and has two wide-mouth snap-on lids. The cap is leak-proof and has silicone gaskets to keep the bottle tightly closed. In addition, to be able to feed and drink the animal, it includes two folding bowls that are very comfortable.
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12-Pack Dog Toys
Dogs really like toys that make noise because, in addition to having fun, they also help reduce anxiety. Well, this package includes a total of 12 toys for dogs of all sizes: ice cream, star, orange, carrot… They are all very soft and made of plush and cotton. And there is still more, because they clean the teeth and massage the gums , thus taking care of the oral health of dogs.
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Denta Fun Ball for Dogs
A ball for dogs of all breeds and sizes, made with natural rubber and mint flavor. It gently massages the gums and is safe and very durable. The value for money is great and there are several sizes available: 5, 6 or 7 centimeters in diameter. Your dog will surely have a great time playing with it in the garden at home or on the beach in summer.
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Dog Sprinkler Mat
Dogs, just like kids, love to cool off in the summer . If you have a garden or a terrace at home, you can cheer yourself up with this sprinkler mat to cool off on the hottest days. The sprinklers are made of ecological PVC and do not contain any toxic substance, so if you bite into them, nothing happens. You simply have to connect the mat to a garden hose, adjust the water pressure, and voila!
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Dry food for adult dogs
If you want to give your dog the best nutrition, this bag of dry food for adult dogs is fantastic. It consists of a hypoallergenic formula without grains , based on salmon and potatoes. Herbal extracts have antioxidant properties, so they delay premature aging of the skin and cells. It is suitable for all breeds and tastes delicious.
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Natural snacks for dogs
And, finally, a 100% natural snack in salmon sticks with skin format . It has a very high animal protein content and is low in fat, which is a great plus point. You can use it as a reward to reinforce positive learning, always within a balanced diet.
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Happy World Dog Day 2021!