Draghi listens to everyone, then decides for himself, usually the opposite of the suggestions received. Exactly as some enlightened “Masters” of the past did. Il Cameo di Ruggeri
After the first hundred days of the Consulate of Mario Draghi da apota (historical) I can say: this time, perhaps, it went less worse than usual. From the time of Alcide De Gasperi we had no longer had a “Master” in power, only “Factors” or “Maggiordomi”. Of course, Draghi is always a “Master” and, and he knows he is, but we understand that he lives power not as an end in itself, he uses it smoothly, thus transferring security to his subjects. Indeed, it is probable that the number of subjects who will become attached to him and to the values ​​of the “Alpini” will gradually increase.
He demonstrated it in Cornwall: the only fake bachelor, the only one with an ordinance jacket, he transferred the image that was there to make decisions, indifferent to the saloon powder of the photo opportunity of his predecessors. He never got confused with the other six, and he did well, these appeared what they are: aged influencers. He considered himself in Yalta, they considered himself at a Ted-style Dealer Convention.
As a matter of fact I know that I have an incomplete and decentralized thinking, but as an Italian I am convinced that we do not deserve the ignoble ruling class (majority and opposition) that we find ourselves. Draghi said the key word was “recovering the taste of the future” while knowing, being part of it, that the current elite shopkeepers have only interests and energies to defend the past, certainly not to risk the future.
I confess, and I have always written, that I was fed up with the Premieres who followed one another after the gentle Napolitano-Merkel minigolpe in 2011. Each of them five was the same or worse than the previous one, to get to the last two (which then it was the same individual, a Houdini of the most sinister political transformation, with embarrassing traits and vanities) who completed the destruction of the credibility of two historical parties, the Pd and the Lega, which obtusely supported him. Curiously, for the first time in seventy years, they have been in power having only damage, and their progressive electoral decline certifies this. In short, for two decades we have had five “butlers” at the service of the “Regime of the politically correct”. And they have been a disaster, for us and for their Masters.
Let this be clear and a Regime under construction, “young”, still traversed by democratic languors, still free from the ridiculous trappings of the past (his oxford shirts are still white, certainly not the red ones from Garibaldi’s butcher’s or black from the orbace fascist). Not only that, they are “in the Bernarda jersey”. Sometimes, the regime looks like a democracy, other times a regime disguised as a democracy. In the saying from Turin the characteristic of the Bernarda jersey is that “’n po’ s’lunga and ‘n po’ s’slarga” (a little lengthens, a little widens). Thus is the regime of CEO capitalism in Italian sauce.
For two decades they have transformed our life into a continuous, ignoble background. This is how the judiciary, academia, bureaucracy, entrepreneurship, management have been at stake. Then, I guess without a drawing, Mario Draghi revealed himself, certainly not liked by the elite. They discovered, terrified, that there was in him an unexpected component of senile divertissement in the management of power. In fact, immediately, he moved nonchalantly, following not the boring regime protocols, but the common sense and counter-intuition of real leaders. A disaster for the elite, totally displaced by one with a verbal and corporal language that transfers credibility to ordinary citizens and respect and fear to enemies.
For what it’s worth (nothing) thank you, dear Dr. Draghi, because you are behaving like CEOs, the real ones, voted to serve the interests of the shareholders, not shady shareholders who pursue rich “stews”. They tell me that you listen to everyone patiently, then decide, by yourself, usually the opposite of the suggestions received. Exactly as some enlightened “Masters” of the past did: they listened to the butlers, the beggars, the podesta, the archbishop, lastly the wisest of all, their old nanny, then they decided.
We citizens kept on the sidelines for a quarter of a century, it is obvious that rather than being commanded by ignoble farmers or butlers, we prefer the “Master”. However bad it goes he will at least be paternalistic, like those.
Wednesday 23 June at 8 pm, Marco Piraccini and I introduce the debate on the theme “The grinder has arrived: Mario Draghi” in the Zafferano.news room on ClubHouse. Anyone wishing to participate write an email to [email protected] to receive the invitation.

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