After a long year in which we have left the car a little more aside, we are forced to do a complete review of our vehicle so as not to find surprises when making a road trip.
In summer, to travel by car air conditioning is essential, especially if you travel for several hours, in the middle of the day or with children. But of course, since we have not used it for the rest of the year, we may find it damaged or that it does not cool enough.
The most common reasons that can cause your car’s air conditioning to stop working or suddenly stop are the following:

Crankshaft bearings
When the air conditioner breaks down it makes a noise coming from the compressor . In this case, experts advise to deepen the search for the fault in the operation of the expansion valve. There are also cases where a low gas level inside the compressor causes the seals to dry out and the crankshaft bearings to wear. A problem that can be prevented with a regular inspection of the car in the workshop.


Sometimes we notice a noise coming from inside the dash, like a whistle . In this case, it is a malfunction of the expansion valve. If they are only small impurities that limit its operation, it will only be necessary to disassemble it and clean it., but it is always advisable to consult if it would be better to install a new compressor.

The air conditioner

box The air conditioner box is the part that contains the fan responsible for driving the air conditioning inside the passenger compartment and the evaporator, which is the heat exchanger, where heat transfer occurs. There are some hatches that separate the air coming from the heating from the cold air from the refrigeration, if they do not close well the air mixes and the desired temperature is not achieved. If the problem is that the air flow is insufficient, it may be due to an excess of pollen or dirt . It is advisable to check the air filter and even consider the placement of a pollen filter.

Incorrect pressure

The main cause when a compressor does not activate when we press the button of the air conditioning, at least for the most efficient compressors equipped with a clutch, is electrical or mechanical. In the first case, the state of the electrical connections is verified, if there are cuts or damage and if the on-board computer detects anomalies or errors in the diagnosis. If it is mechanical in nature, the main suspect is the correct coupling between the shaft and the compressor pulley.


When the temperature of the air conditioner doesn’t seem cold enough, the first thing the shop does is check the pressure by vacuuming.and filling the circuit with a specific team. The problem comes if the gas in the system is not retained because it means that there is a leak.
One of the main causes of compressor leaks is due to the habit of using the air conditioner only in the summer – using it in the winter would help to dry the windows and carpets first, avoiding the smell of mold . According to experts, to avoid this problem, it would be enough to turn on the air conditioning for at least 30 minutes a week.
Do not miss these tips for car care in summer

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