The intervention of Raffaele Lauro, general secretary of Unimpresa
Of autobiographies of politicians, ex post, real memorials, sometimes of emphatic self-defense of their work, dusty bookcases and stalls of used books are full of them, perhaps not read by anyone. Rare are the autobiographies of politicians, albeit not novice, who are preparing, or at least aspiring, to assume important responsibilities in the government of their country. Very rare, if not unique, are those of women engaged in public life. Giorgia Meloni’s recent autobiography, entitled Io sono Giorgia, belongs to the latter category. My roots, my ideas, published by Rizzoli, for the Italian essays series.
It is a “Bildungsroman”, a true Bildungsroman, between the familiar feeling about one’s origins (the roots!) And the reflection on one’s own public path (ideas!), Between delicate and precious human experiences, some suffered, of daughter, sister and mother, and the reconstruction of her native political commitment, in the context of the right, from the MSI to AN, started at a very young age, at 15, and which led Meloni to hold the position of minister della Gioventu (in the 4th Berlusconi government), to be founder and leader of “Fratelli d’Italia” and to become president of the European Conservatives and Reformists Party.
As the author confessed, her autobiography aspires to be a dutiful testimony, addressed to voting citizens, on her authentic identity, as a person and as a leader of a party that is rapidly growing in popular consensus, which, however, has in front of her, some urgent challenges: the confirmation of the moral condemnation of fascism, already anticipated by Gianfranco Fini, as a dictatorial regime; the strengthening towards the center of its future ruling and parliamentary class, still too crushed on the past; the proactive dialogue with the productive world of the North, still under the Northern League option, in order to avoid the crushing of consensus in the central-southern regions; a strategic repositioning in the internal equilibrium in the center right, between the League and what remains of Forza Italia.
Therefore a manifesto, even if not declared, of her own life, even interior, moral and ideal, a memorandum of herself and, for future memory, “for herself”, an act of loyalty and transparency, addressed to public opinion and, first of all, to those who look to her as a future reference point for national politics to escape from the dramatic phase we are experiencing and from the chaos that characterizes the parties of the current government majority. Finally, a preventive antidote, this certainly declared, a shield against the lust and madness of power, that power that undermines, threatens and, frequently, corrupts the integrity of those who are called to exercise it at the top of the public res.
It must therefore be said, without stale prejudices, that this initiative, completely original in the national political panorama, represents an act of courage and, at the same time, a political operation, all-round, destined for success, whether it was born from intuition genius of the protagonist, whether it has been programmed at the table. An operation also of truth to subtract her image of her, even as a woman, from the organized lynching of other women, ideologized commentators of customs and public life, perhaps rose with envy, typical of angry feminists. Women against women!
A political and customary operation that, beyond the author’s own intentions, involves both the sentimental part of the work and the purely “ideological” part. The disjointed and reprehensible “Stalinist” reaction of pseudo-democratic intellectuals, paramarxist university professors, post-communist booksellers is proof of this right now. As well as feminists of yesteryear, even writers, who, taken off guard, censor, offend and, perhaps, would not hesitate to burn Meloni’s book in perfect Nazi style. And thus they do not realize, false champions of our republican constitution, that they are violating the sacrosanct principles of freedom of thought and that of expression. All residues of a communication “regime” compromise, between television networks and print media, whose hatred and bile prove, a contrariis,
The book, therefore, if free from biased blinders, can be judged, in its entirety, a successful political operation, worthy of reflection and appreciation, even by those who, sincere democrats, do not come from the same political matrix, even if they share its strenuous defense of national identity, the cult of homeland love, the sense of the state, the struggle, without quarter, against all the mafias and their trafficking, in the name of Falcone and Borsellino, the claimed consistency, respect for all the principles of our constitutional charter, starting from art. 3, and, last but not least, the conviction on the need for an ever more incisive role of women in the country’s ruling class.

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