The choice of flooring for the home is only a seemingly simple matter. In fact, there are a lot of factors that are often not considered and that instead it would be appropriate to evaluate, such as the timing for installation, the disorder and dirt caused by the works, the ability or not to conduct heat, the resistance, not to minus costs and so on… The list could be really long, but in this article we will limit ourselves to mentioning the most important aspects. Resin floors for home interiors are
often not among the first options that spring to mind when you have to intervene with a renovation, as most people do not know the potential of these materials which instead are innumerable.
Going in order, let’s see then what are the characteristics and advantages of resin floors for homes, then proceeding to illustrate the types that the market makes available, the possible alternatives in relation to the installation and some examples of resin floors for interiors in two. environments: bathroom and kitchen. Resin floors for homes: characteristics and advantages
This particular material has been used for a long time in the context of renovations that involved the industrial building sector, rather than in sports facilities or hospitals, since it is considered only from the point of view of high mechanical resistance .
Over time, however, it has been discovered that the use of resin floors for homes could be an equally interesting choice since, in addition to resistance, also the aesthetic and remarkable result, thanks to the extreme versatility of the material that allows a customization of the surfaces. Furthermore, the linear design of the resin represents an extra touch for the continuity of the space that gives a clean and sober overall view.
The characteristic of indoor resin floors to create a continuum on an optical level also translates into a quality from a functional point of view, in particular as regards the cleaning of surfaces.. In fact, the lack of the classic joints created by the tiles prevents the accumulation of dirt, mold and bacteria and facilitates sanitation operations.
Another important aspect is related to timing: in fact, especially for those who have to carry out an important restyling of their home, times are certainly not a secondary detail. The resin guarantees both a rather rapid application and drying, although this depends fundamentally on the material chosen and even more on the individual creations (for example, it will take more time for an application exclusively in resin rather than if there was a surface to tiles, for which a covering with fewer layers of resin will be sufficient). Among other things, compared to working with ceramics or concrete, the resin produces much less debris and much less dust. Types of resin floors in homes
Taking advantage of resin floors for interiors in residential construction is a choice that allows you to obtain many types of surfaces, thanks to the versatility of the material which, as anticipated, lends itself to the production of different effects .
A premise, however, is necessary:
​​each floor needs a specific resin.
Let’s explain ourselves better… every environment has its own peculiarities, represented for example by the presence or absence of humidity, to which the resin chosen for the floor must be able to resist. Furthermore, it is of vital importance to properly arrange the screed in order to obtain a perfectly smooth surface.
To apply the correct materialIt is therefore essential to know the types of resins on the market, used for horizontal and vertical coatings in residential contexts and beyond. They are cataloged in different classes of belonging (acrylic; polyurethane; epoxy; methacrylate; in polyurethane-cement) and, depending on the choice made, they can give life to resin floors for interiors which can be: self-leveling, impregnating, multilayer, film-forming, screeds .
Among these, certainly the first two types – self- leveling and impregnating – are the most used for the floors of homes, not only for their functional qualities but also and above all for their aesthetics. Such surfaces in the home are made with mainly polyurethane resinsas they are very resistant to time and wear, to external agents and UV rays, as well as to scratches and bumps. The only drawback is represented by the hardening times, which are longer than other resins (6-7 days). Methacrylate
resin is also widely used, in this case due to the peculiarities in terms of resistance to organic substances and reduced hardening times (45-60min). However, it is not particularly suitable for interaction with various solvents.
Returning to the external appearance, the use of these decorative materials is particularly suitable for the construction of resin floors for homes, as it is possible to produce not only a solid color surface, but also a possible spatula effect .more or less evident.
Furthermore, they lend themselves perfectly to the most varied artistic interpretations , starting from the material textures (wood effect, marble, concrete, stone etc.) to get to the resins painted as true works of art. Fantasy, elegance and originality are therefore the right key to create unique and decidedly characteristic floors. 3D resin floors for interiors
If you really want to exaggerate, a choice over the top and of great effect is that of 3D resin floors , without a shadow of a doubt, fantastic from the point of view of the aesthetic result, on the whole dynamic and lively.
To create these surfaces it will be enough to choose a print or a photograph that will be inserted in the penultimate layer of the floor. This will therefore be formed by three layers, each of which will have very specific characteristics.
It is of course a valuable alternative and the processing is quite long, as well as the production times and, consequently, the costs that will be greater but the final effect is unparalleled. Resin floors for interiors: bathroom and kitchen
Thanks to the typical characteristics of these materials, in particular water repellency and impermeability, the resins are ideal for making floors in the bathroom and kitchen .
As for the bathroom, if necessary, it is necessary to take some precautions to prevent humidity from making the floor slippery. In this sense, it will be enough to add particular granular substances to the mixture, so as to obtain a more or less rough surface. Alternatively, resort to strategic furnishing elements such as practical and elegant mats – strictly matched to the colors chosen for the environment -, to be spread at the exit of the shower rather than in front of the sink.
In the kitchen , however, resin floors have an edge over tiles due to their high resistance to shocks, scratches and various types of stress. So if you drop a plate or a cup, you won’t risk chipping the floor.Resin walls and floors for homes
In this article we have dealt with some of the main aspects and advantages relating to the choice of resin floors for your home, focusing on the reasons that make them a good alternative to traditional tiles.
So if you need to renovate your house and you don’t know what to do yet, the resin will allow you to create floors that can reproduce many different effects.
Where can we contact to receive more information on Qubico resin floors and a reality in Como that was born from the love for art and, as early as 2002, the first decorated resin floors were produced which were a great success.
The surface thus created therefore begins to be considered as a real decorative and furnishing element, for which different ways of application are studied within residential contexts.
Today, the Qubico team produces all kinds of resin coatings and floors (and more) for homes. In addition, decorations of vertical spaces (walls) and the possibility of developing customized projects, as well as many proposals in terms of interior design. To complete the picture, a wide choice of original furnishing accessories, the result of careful selections that, thanks to the collaboration with Mobili Design Occasioni , you can find on our portal .