Facts, rumors and names on the next secretary of the Democratic Party after the resignation of Nicola Zingaretti. The political note of Francesco Damato
Not even Goffredo Bettini, mercilessly downgraded by the pencil of Emilio Giannelli on the first page of Corriere della Sera to grooms, therefore seems to have managed to convince his companion and friend Nicola Zingaretti to get back on the horse of the Pd secretariat after having thrown himself off the saddle. only with his resignation, as cartoonist Francesco Tullio Altan preferred to represent him in Repubblica.
The national assembly, already convened for March 14 before the resounding resignation of Zingaretti, will therefore have to elect a successor. Then everyone will see or call according to their preferences: secretary, regent or whatever.
And maybe, given the precarious nature of the office due to the circumstances in which the change takes place, it could be a woman’s turn, also considering that the last fight in the Democratic Party was consummated, at least in words, precisely on the wrong done to them by Zingaretti leaving them excluded from the delegation of ministers in Mario Draghi’s government.
For the female regency, or whatever you prefer to call it, I repeat, the names of Roberta Pinotti and Anna Finocchiaro are mentioned, both already ministers in other governments: Finocchiaro even convinced a few years ago that she was left out of a race at the Quirinale her own as a woman, as before her in a previous competition, the post-Christian Democrat Rosa Russo Jervolino, Rosetta for friends, had felt.
The irreversibility of Zingaretti’s resignation, although initially doubted by some of his opponents even with the suspicion of a maneuver designed specifically to get out of the corner and seek emotional confirmation, was objectively in things.
It is difficult to disagree with Luca Ricolfi, a leftist scholar for some time in vain committed to stimulating the same left to question the reasons why so many of the voters are unpleasant, when he emphasizes on the Messenger the strangeness of a “love” farewell from the leader of the party, as the resigning secretary himself defined him, saying all the possible evil, to the point of being “ashamed”.
On the other hand, even some of the first expressions of solidarity addressed to Zingaretti from outside the party – and already in themselves more harmful than useful, such as those of Giuseppe Conte, who has just become the most dangerous electoral competitor for the Democratic Party after the designation to refounding leader of the grillino movement – they quickly faded away, if not overturned in pity or sarcasm.
This is the case of the usual Fatto Quotidiano, whose “wickedness” of the day was dedicated to Zingaretti for his promise, or threat, according to the point of view, of “not disappearing”. “If not, he would remain secretary of the Democratic Party”, Marco Travaglio’s newspaper teased him, who perhaps expected from him Grillo’s lack of courage to prevent the formation of the Draghi government and dismiss the dream of Conte’s third government.
Finally, not even “the sardines” were able to rekindle ardor for Zingaretti – remember those of Mattia Santori
– mobilized in his favor after the announcement of his resignation. “Zinga does not come back”, the manifesto titled, aggravating the picture with the forecast of the “Pd at risk of default”, now that it would be clear the control that, according to Achille Occhetto on the Riformista, “the warlords” have. Once upon a time it was only discussed when discussing Libya.