The note by Paola Sacchi
Tormentone early elections.
A specter, of paper, more agitated by the big newspapers than real, roams the parliament in view of the election of the Head of State.
Apart from the president of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, who has repeatedly expressed her option for the vote in 2022, the rest seems to be a tactical game between left-wing leaders.
To stir the specter Matteo Renzi, to Leopolda, however attributing this objective to others, not specified, in order to re-enlist the ranks of IV, at the risk of attempts to “snatch” by the Democratic Party.
And it is equally evident that the weapon is also used by parts of the dem leadership and of Goffredo Bettini himself to try to keep parliamentary groups, divided into currents, including former Renzians, in view of the mother of all battles in politics. Even if perhaps Bettini more than the secretary Enrico Letta himself – who, however, would not mind derenzifying the dem groups – a true thought could have done it.
But if you take a ride on the Transatlantic it would be a real scoop to find one of the parliamentarians on the left or right, pones and not, in any case all great voters of the new President of the Republic, who tells you: I want an early vote. If it is a threat weapon to close ranks, or to defuse the stronger than ever risk of snipers, it is more than worn. Also because precisely those parliamentarians, and there are many, who feel more at risk for the election due to the reduction in the number established by the referendum, or rather the key issue and not the annuities, would cross the wall against such a hypothesis.
This is for the elementary and legitimate purpose of not throwing away an extra year not only of salary but also and above all precious to be able to deal, even if it goes for a new election, at least other positions or in the parties to which they belong or elsewhere. And it is precisely for this reason that even a possible election to Mario Draghi’s Hill, despite all the risks and the tangle of institutional procedures that should be implemented, would not be synonymous with early elections. What has now become a sort of commonplace on the media level. But this remains one of the hypotheses.
Because, in the meantime, even though he has not put forward any candidacy and he does not intend to speak of Quirinale, the name of Silvio Berlusconi is in fact increasingly on the “gaming table”, where for the first time in many years there is no king maker left and no one else has the necessary numbers.
A significant endorsement to Berlusconi’s candidacy came precisely from the top of the EPP, in the person of Manfred Weber, president of the Popolari group in Brussels, who said: “He was always in favor of Europe”. It is no coincidence that the poisons by the usual organs of justicialism are taken up against the Knight.
If Sergio Mattarella, in the meantime, has pushed away the hypothesis of an encore even further, speaking the day before yesterday of “the conclusion of my role and my functions”, how will the left react now?
Paradoxically, as perhaps too malicious observers argue, it could return to implore him precisely to accompany the process relating to the proposal to amend the Constitution for the abolition of the seven-year period
And a proposal that they intend to present two senators of the Democratic Party, Luigi Zanda and Dario Parrini, before the Corsa al Colle.
However it ends, even with the hypothesis of the Democratic Party, also attributed to Renzi, of bringing Paolo Gentiloni back from Brussels, and even more so in the face of further tensions between the Five Stars, with Beppe Grillo sbertuccia on the “penultimatum” Rai Giuseppe Conte, it seems, at the moment, that the early elections can wait for their natural deadline of 2023.