What the tensions in the government majority conceal. Italics by Paola Sacchi
But that aut-aut to Matteo Salvini (“Either inside or outside the government”), in which Enrico Letta, who launched it last Sunday, now finds himself as if in a ticket in the company of Giuseppe Conte, who yesterday said the same thing, does not risk in the end sounding a little disrespectful for the role held to play by Prime Minister Mario Draghi
The former of the yellow-red majority, also represented by the former Prime Minister Conte, could say that they, on the contrary, they do it to defend the estate of the executive and Draghi himself.
But the risk is that in the eyes of somewhat malicious observers, behind this growing tension, made up of diktat towards the Northern League leader, there is hidden the unspeakable desire to override Draghi himself in his role. Thus giving the impression that a piece of the majority, feeling above the other contractors of the national emergency pact, tries to dictate the conditions more than to Salvini to Draghi himself, who as prime minister is entitled to mediate and overcome conflicts.
Salvini is accused of making partisan interests prevail (which would then be those of a large part of the country, of VAT numbers, of the business world) and of going against the government with its collection of signatures to overcome the curfew, but in the meantime the Democratic Party continues to keep its flags hoisted over its equally divisive symbolic battles, starting with immigration policies.
Yet this was born as a national emergency government, for which the Head of State made an appeal to all political forces, which almost all responded positively.
Yet the secretary of the Democratic Party and now with him the ally Conte, leader in pectore of the Five Stars, seem to behave as if they were the only ones to give the cards in the vast majority.
Romano Prodi, who, despite the official denials, according to some observers in reality would not have given up the desire to run for the highest hill, feared the risk that Salvini would do like Fausto Bertinotti who brought down his first government.
But the same comparison with the executive of the time already sounds inappropriate. That, in fact, was a government of the center-left and therefore of only one political party in the field, which had won the elections.
Comparing the political dynamics of the olive government of that time with those of the executive of almost all of them now runs the risk of concealing a “proprietary” concept of the government of national unity created to deal with the health and economic emergency.
And in what is now seen as the attempt by the Letta-Conte “ticket” to push the League out of the government, meanwhile, there is not even a good signal for a possible ascent of Draghi al Colle. Assuming that Draghi himself is interested.
But in any case, an operation of this kind, precisely because of the caliber of a character like the former president of the ECB, would require majorities of a little wider scope than that of the Italian version “Ursula” (Pd, Cinque Stelle, FI), that perhaps someone is wondering why one of the many left-wing “quirinabili” aspirants should go to Colle.

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