Giulia Sara Salemi is a very young social media star who has already shown that she has talent and, above all, a charisma that has allowed her to win more and more followers every day. Through Instagram and TikTok she talks about herself and shows her passion for the world of entertainment, in which she aspires to become a full part.
- Name and surname: Giulia Sara Salemi
- Date and place of birth: 15 December 2003 in Busto Arsizio
- Where he lives: Milan
- Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
- Boyfriend: Er Gennaro
- House: Stardust House
- TikTok: giuliasalemii
- Instagram: giuliasalemi_real
- YouTube: giulia sara salemi
Giulia Sara Salemi as a
child Giulia Sara Salemi, also known only as Giulia Salemi, has always shown great reserve about her childhood. What is certain is that she showed interest in acting at a very young age. You have therefore attended training courses and institutes, such as the Belloni Theater in Milan, which can help you make your entry into the world of entertainment. She landed on her social networks, she soon realized that she could rely on her recognizable personality, which hardly goes unnoticed. The love stories of Giulia Sara Salemi
To warm the hearts of Giulia Sara Salemi’s fans also her love story, lived freely on Instagram and TikTok. The influencer is in fact engaged to a colleague, the tiktoker Alessandro Scarpa, better known as Er Gennaro. The two usually publish romantic images, keep videos and moments of their daily life. Collaborations and quarrels
There are many important collaborations that he has activated with his colleagues to produce content for social networks and not only that could meet the tastes of his fans. With actress Emily Shaquiri, with whom he has a great relationship, he released a song. And then, she joined the Stardust House , a crew of creators who usually live in the same house. Among those who are part of it there are also the boyfriend Er Gennaro, George Ciupilan, Davide Cultrona, Brisida and Aurora Baruto. The activities of Giulia Salemi Television
Giulia Sara Salemi’s dream is to become an established actress and the path taken seems to be the right one. Before becoming a real star on TikTok, she had an important television experience . You starred in the children’s and youth TV series Miracle Tunes. Music
Thanks to the collaboration with other personalities, such as Emily Shaquiri, Salemi has also landed in the world of music, proving that she too has singing skills . The two, together, released the song ‘Marvelous Bugie Libro
In addition to acting and singing, Salemi faced another important adventure: that of writing a book. Thus in 2020 she published ‘Warrior smile. Warrior’s Smile ‘, published by New-Book Edizioni. It is a work in which the influencer was told a lot and in which he invited readers to always be themselves. Sports practiced by Giulia Sara Salemi
Giulia is a girl who loves to get busy and hates to stay still for too long. Apart from a great passion for dance, which leads her to dance when possible and when she wishes, she practices two sports : kung fu and karate.
Giulia Sara Salemi on Twitter.