Born in Padua, but the heart is between Catania and Acireale. First a militant, then a journalist at the Century of Italy, 63 years old, a life in politics. Now the confirmation: Adolfo Urso is the new president of Copasir, the parliamentary control committee of the secret services. At the time of the vote at Palazzo San Macuto he received seven out of ten preferences. Green light announced by Pd ( Enrico Borghi ) and Cinque Stelle ( Federica Dieni , Francesco Castiello , Maurizio Cattoi ), but also by Italia Viva ( Ernesto Magorno ) and Forza Italia, with the blues Claudio Fazzone and his friend Elio Vito, returned after his resignation in solidarity with the senator of the Brothers of Italy.
The two members of the League were absent, former president Raffaele Volpi and senator Paolo Arrigoni , because the formation of the committee “does not comply with the law”, mumbles Matteo Salvini after months of tug-of-war with Giorgia Meloni for the presidency. Thus closes an unprecedented stalemate in the history of Copasir. Since February, when Mario Draghi entered Palazzo Chigi , there has not been a moment of peace. Sessions suspended, then groped again, then jumped again.
He, Urso, withdrawn in a long Aventine in protest with the League, who did not want to leave the presidency until May 20, even if a law, the 124 of 2007, explicitly entrusts him to the opposition. There, on the hill, dozens of jurists, political scientists, former presidents of the Council and magistrates, and then the old presidents of the Chamber and Senate, from Marcello Pera to Laura Boldrini , went up in procession . Even Gianfranco Fini broke an interminable silence to rush to the aid of his old friend, who for a long time was a column of Alleanza Nazionale, until he left it in 2011, shortly after the break with Silvio Berlusconi , to embrace the troops again two years later. by Meloni & Co.
They thought about itRoberto Fico and Elisabetta Casellati , after some hesitation, to break the deadlock. With a letter that has put a spoke in the wheel of the Northern League strategy. No, the resignations of Volpi and Arrigoni are not valid, as long as the Carroccio does not indicate two substitutes. And yes, the committee can meet to elect the president. So it was, and now the Copasir is ready to leave again, with a climate that is anything but relaxed and a lot of backlog.
There are many dossiers that have taken dust on that table, remained muted while outside the controversy raged. Imagine that, in four months, there was no time to take stock with the Aise Services on the murder in Congo of the Italian ambassador Luca Attanasio and the carabiniere of the escortVittorio Iacovacci . Among the many called on the waiting list there are also Rocco Casalino and Giuseppe Conte , to whom the committee must ask for explanations of that unusual and unorthodox trip to the court of Khalifa Haftar to thank the Libyan field marshal for the release of 18 Italian fishermen kept in hostage, for three months.
And then the upheavals in intelligence, which is experiencing a phase of great renewal under the watchful eye of the delegated authority Franco Gabrielli and the new director general of Dis Elisabetta Belloni. There is the Renzi-Mancini case raised by Report, the subject of an internal investigation by the 007 requested by Copasir. There is the new cybersecurity agency, with a decree ready to end up on the CDM. Later, in the months to come, a fact-finding survey on the Italian energy sector.
In short, there is a lot to do for the committee and for Urso, who for the first time brings the leadership of Copasir into the home of the Italian right. Security and geopolitics are two very old points of the senator closest to Meloni. Since 2007 he has been working on it with the FareFuturo Foundation, of which he is president and founder. A cenacle that over time has brought together a wealth of experts, academics, old and new faces of the Roman palaces, on the right, left and center. In the latest annual report, signatures such as Giulio Tremonti andErnesto Galli Della Loggia , Giulio Sapelli and Domenico Arcuri .
A lot of civil society, to build “the party of the nation”, an expression of the Christian Democrat memory with which Urso imagines the new course of the Brothers of Italy. A well-placed bet, if it is true that within three years the creation of Meloni has gone from 4% to 20% and is now aiming for the leadership of the center-right. The right-right, with those numbers, is no longer enough.
Urso believes in it, who had already made himself known as a moderate at the time of An’s militancy and was among the first promoters of Fiuggi’s turnaround. Deputy Minister of Commerce in the third Berlusconi government, in 2008 another step to the center, co-founder of the People of Freedom, before returning home five years later.
In the middle of a two-year break, from 2011 to 2013, to be an entrepreneur with Italy World Services, a company that “provides advice and assistance for Italian companies abroad”, explains Urso on his website. The same company ended up at the center of the fuss raised by the League at the Copasir door because, according to Salvini, among the countries with which it did business there is also the Iran of the ayatollahs and “with Israel under attack” the League “will not give never on consenting to a friend of Iran ”. Urso has always denied the link, and indeed went on the counterattack, filling social media with photos together with Shimon Peres , Ariel Sharon and Ehmud Olmert , and then parading at the demonstration in support of the Jewish state after the Hamas attacks, “Israel and the our bulwark of freedom “.

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