Here are the first reactions and comments of the press on the appointment of General Figliuolo in place of Arcuri decided by the Prime Minister, Draghi.
The news obviously does not lie so much in the “removal” of Domenico Arcuri announced on the front page of Corriere della Sera, and already in the air for a few days both for the requests of leaguers, forcers and Renzians within the majority and the government itself, and for the danger of seeing him sooner or later involved in judicial investigations on masks and more, even though he has just come out with a lot of certification Public Prosecutor’s Office of Rome. The news does not even lie in the appointment of General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, with that involuntarily paternalistic surname, as the new extraordinary commissioner for the viral emergency.
The news, rightly underlined in the front page headline of Repubblica, lies in the government’s recourse to “a general”: something that alone is enough and advances to give the idea of the turning point made in the management of the pandemic by a Mario Draghi to days and days represented by those who have never digested his arrival at Palazzo Chigi as a man destined to live off the choices and actions of his predecessor Giuseppe Conte. That he would be unfairly replaced in the midst of his meritorious enterprise.
It was understandably hard for a newspaper like Il Fatto Quotidiano, where even metaphorical tears are still shed at seeing the photos of Conte’s exit from Palazzo Chigi amid the applause of the staff overlooking the windows on the courtyard, to record this other very uncomfortable passage. Between the title, buttonhole, summary and front page photomontage it was all a firework against Draghi and his “tack to the right”, printed in the red which is the preferred color of the header.
The editorial by director Marco Travaglio was no less: first with the use of the “generalissimo” to exasperate, so to speak, the already significant qualification of “Army Corps general” of the nominated, and then to practically stir up the political revolt – in the war it would be called sabotage – the still Giallorossi components of the new majority of the government, that is the grillini just entrusted by Grillo himself to Conte’s studies, awaiting his coronation at the head, the Democratic Party and the left, although divided as “free and equal “.
Arcuri’s “military farewell”, as the poster in the title and photomontage on the cover defined it with the usual wit, deserves revenge in the eyes, head and heart of those nostalgic for a “finished season”, to keep to the language by Roberto Napoletano, in the Quotidiano del Sud he directs, and by Alessandro Sallusti in the Journal of the Berlusconi family. Which of his own, given the political commitment of the publisher and the satisfaction expressed by the force players in competition with the Lega Nord and Renziani, added the applause to the “arrival of our”: a kind of Cavalry that bursts into the troops down on the run , until a few weeks ago convinced that they can win the game of the crisis caused by that pain in the ass of Senator Matteo Renzi.
The latter now also enjoys the reversed spectacle, despite the difficulties objectively obtained with those unhappy, inappropriate paid relations with the crown prince of Saudi Arabia accused by the CIA of having had an opposition journalist killed and sawed off. Waiting perhaps for some willing Public Prosecutor’s Office to deal with it, which since 1993 no longer needs the authorization of the Senate to proceed with the investigations, has begun to take an interest in the case – political error or crime – the current review “Magistratura democratic “.