The Scratches of Damato
Unfortunately, the mid-August of this 2021 will be marked by the Afghan tragedy constituted by the return of the Taliban, now at the gates of a Kabul invaded by refugees who I fear will still have to experience the worst. You are appalled to see Mauro Biani’s icastic cartoon on Repubblica, with that little girl who says she is dying from the “heat” in the arms of her mother wrapped in the burka that the winners of a twenty-year war waged as worse as it could not be left behind so much. of the Americans and their allies, including Italy, or the cover photo of the poster. Which re-proposes with that title – Emergency – the cry of the late Gino Strada, who died almost of despair in the face of the confirmation of the conviction he expressed from the first moment that that war would not have freed anything or anyone,
Yet in this terrible tragedy, and in a country like ours still grappling with the pandemic, as a bit everywhere in the world, there are people – let’s call them that – who are dominated only by their obsessions, all domestic, at home, understood as your own political enclosure. In which you live in the feeling, or rather the certainty of being surrounded by liars of all kinds disguised, with the evident complicity of the head of state who appointed them, as ministers. At the head of which Il Fatto Quotidiano today re-proposed the Keeper of the Seals Marta Cartabia, surpassing the Prime Minister himself Mario Draghi, called into question by the director himself Marco Travaglio for the lies he is also saying in the management of the pandemic, unlike his predecessor Giuseppe With you.
Not even as a mother, as the president emeritus of the Constitutional Court was believed to be talking in Genoa almost in tears about the dead of the Morandi bridge on the third anniversary of the tragedy of the collapse, was believed under the five stars of a newspaper that remained faithful to the old statute of the homonymous movement, just modified on the proposal, initiative and so on of its new president Conte to try to archive the grim language of violence and denigration of opponents. Marta Cartabia, already forced by Conte, according to the claims of the Fact, to resize her alleged “schiforma” of the criminal trial, was a “liar”, complete with Pinocchio’s nose and cap applied in the usual photomontage,
The Minister of Justice would also have the presumption, courage and so on, already reproached on other occasions by Travaglio himself, to the point of making him write about “vomiting” just thinking about it, to aspire to the Presidency of the Republic, or to let others nominate her. in name or in fact to the succession to Sergio Mattarella. But how does the lady minister, or her sudden supporters or admirers allow themselves, to imagine her so high despite the rejection, as a “liar” in fact but also as incompetent and more, expressed by a newspaper like that of Travaglio with judgment unappealable, replacing the secret ballot vote of the Parliament in joint session, and complete with regional delegates, established by article 83 of the Constitution
An offshoot of the Taliban, without a beard to dress up better, is also advancing among the fires in Italy.

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