Yogurt is a natural source of vitamins and minerals for our body. In this way, it will provide us with a large amount of proteins necessary to keep our body healthy. In any supermarket we will find a wide variety of yogurts depending on the needs we want to cover. Its protein version has become one of the fashionable products for a few months, perfect for those who do physical exercise and want to increase the intake of this component in their diet. But, how to choose among so many varieties
We will tell you which are the best so that you can take them into account the next time you want to fill the fridge.
In the case of supermarkets, Lidl’s own brand of dairy products , Milbona, has one of the best valued yoghurts on the market. The one we are referring to is the Skyr (€1.19), a type of dessert that appears to be a Greek yogurt, but is actually a ‘preparation of fresh cheese on 20% strawberry preparation with sweeteners’ and skimmed milk . Its almost 14 grams of protein (per 100 grams) make it a very interesting perfect snack for sports nutrition.
Its flavor is more like smoothie cheese or quark cheese and it is low in fat. Of course, you should get used to its texture, something different from that of traditional yogurts. To make sure you take the healthiest, opt for the natural one.
Another good option could be Danone Natural’s protein yogurt with more than 12 grams of protein per 100 grams and a scant 70 Kcals.Again we are talking about its ‘natural’ version, since Danone also has a variety of blueberry yogurt with protein, although it incorporates ingredients that are not recommended.
4. +Proteinas Hacendado
In Mercadona you can choose between different types of +Proteinas Hacendado, a range of desserts that is triumphing among the public. The most prominent is milk protein and 9.5% strawberries due to the large amount of protein it has and the low level of sugar it contains.
It has only 64 kcal, 0% fat and 10 grams of protein per 120 g . (one jar/portion). On the other hand, it does not contain gluten , so it is suitable for people with celiac disease.
4. Greek yoghurt without added sugar
If we are looking for a healthy yoghurt with which we can add protein to our diet, Greek yoghurt is the best alternative as long as we choose examples without added sugar .
Likewise, from a nutritional point of view, its high protein content stands out : 5.8 grams per 100 g, hence, accompanied by cut fruit, nuts or cereals, it can be a good breakfast.