Photo by GreggaTrelt. In Italy it is illegal to grow, own and sell it, but in the rest of the world the laws on its consumption are not so restrictive and there are places where it is completely legal to smoke it . What are we talking about The
famous marijuana .
The term indicates a substance that is obtained from the seeds, leaves and dried flowers of Indian hemp . You may have heard of it in street jargon where it is also known as cane, cannon, spinel, joint or many other more or less funny names.
Marijuana is a hallucinogen and is therefore considered a drug. The debate on its use has always been very heated. It must be said that the consumption of the substance for medical purposes is now cleared of customs in many parts of the world: marijuana is in fact useful in the treatment of some diseases , especially degenerative ones of the nervous system.
We leave judgments on the legitimacy of its use to you and, if you are willing to share this dream state that marijuana promises to induce, here is a map of the places where it is legal to consume it .

States where it is legal or substantially legal
There are some states in the world where using cannabis is legal, tolerated or permitted.but with some restrictions. In the USA, some states have enacted laws to regularize their use, especially for medical purposes.
There are other realities where the consumption of marijuana is completely allowed, indeed it is part of the traditions of the country.

  1. Five states in the US : Colorado, Washington, Alaska, Oregon and the District of Columbia. Average cost : $ 11 per gram
  2. Uruguay , but consumers are forced to sign up for a special register . Average cost : $ 1 per gram
  3. Netherlands , not legal but tolerated for sale in Coffee Shops . Average cost : $ 30 per gram
  4. Bangladesh , where there is no law in this regard and therefore, in fact, totally legal. Average cost : $ 0.50 per gram

States in which it is illegal but decriminalized
If the list of countries where the consumption of marijuana is legal is really small, a little more substantial is that of the countries where it is illegal but by penalized . By decriminalization we mean that consumption for recreational purposes and, above all, the sale or sale, remains prohibited.

permitted actions, on the other hand, are the production and sale by specialized companies, and consumption for medical purposes , prescribed by a specialist. Furthermore, the penalty for possession does not include imprisonment.

  1. Spain , possession and consumption not in public and legal places. Average cost : $ 10 per gram
  2. Portugal , buying and selling is prohibited but, since 2001, possession has been legal. Average cost : $ 5 per gram
  3. Italy , decriminalized personal consumption and allowed medical use, but it remains illegal. Average cost : $ 10 per gram
  4. Switzerland , The consumption of hemp by adults is punished with a fine of 100 francs. Possession of a quantity of less than 10 grams is not punishable. Average cost : $ 10 per gram
  5. Austria , decriminalized the personal use of a modest quantity, allowed the cultivation for therapeutic use. Average cost : $ 11 per gram
  6. Czech Republic , no sale, allowed possession of up to 15 grams of marijuana and cultivation for personal use. Average cost : $ 11 per gram
  7. Germany , possession within 10 grams is not prohibited, use is legal. Average cost : $ 10 per gram
  8. Australia remains illegal in some states but decriminalized in others, legal for therapeutic use. Average cost : $ 15 per gram
  9. Argentina , legal to possess up to 5 grams for private use only. Average cost : $ 5 per gram
  10. Chile , the laws in force do not punish personal and private consumption but sanction group consumption. Average cost : $ 5 per gram
  11. Paraguay decriminalized possession from 1988 up to 10 grams. Average cost : $ 3 per gram
  12. Peru , possession for personal use of up to 8 grams is not illegal, but about 60% of inmates are in prison for crimes related to simple detention. Average cost : $ 10 per gram
  13. Colombia allowed possession up to 20 grams, legal medical consumption. Average cost : $ 10 per gram
  14. Ecuador decriminalized personal use. Average cost : $ 10 per gram
  15. Costa Rica , consumption and personal possession do not represent a criminal offense. Average cost : $ 20 per gram
  16. Jamaica , possession (up to 56.70 grams) and decriminalized use since 2015, allowed the cultivation of up to 5 plants. Rastafarians can consume it in places of worship. Average cost : $ 10 per gram

States in which it is illegal but often not prosecuted
In these states the use of marijuana is probable and prosecuted at the legislative level, but at the same time it is more or less widely tolerated .


  1. Mexico is illegal, but some people have obtained special government clearance for cultivation and lawful consumption for recreational purposes. Average cost : $ 15 per gram
  2. Brazil , clear distinction between traffickers and consumers, the crime is decriminalized. Average cost : $ 10 per gram
  3. India , use and permission for religious purposes. Average cost : $ 3 per gram
  4. Cambodia , police are not stopping consumers. Average cost : $ 3 per gram

States where it is completely illegal
In the rest of the world, the use of marijuana is still illegal and its use is a criminal offense . However, the punishments for this type of crime vary greatly from state to state, ranging from simple fines to prison, up to corporal punishment.

Marijuana is prohibited in much of Europe, in the whole of the African continent and in almost all the countries of the Americas and Asia.

  1. Croatia , possession of even one gram severely punished with a fine, risks from 3 to 15 years in prison for cultivation and sale
  2. Romania , fines for the possession of small quantities, the sale and possession of large quantities provide for imprisonment
  3. Belgium , completely illegal in any form
  4. France , illegal, up to one year in prison
  5. Japan , since 1948 all preparations containing THC are illegal
  6. Israel , illegal, allowed medical use only if authorized by the health ministry which evaluates it on a case-by-case basis
  7. New Zealand , illegal
  8. Poland , illegal in any form, with sentences ranging from 3 to 10 years in prison
  9. United Kingdom , illegal

Other states of which there is no information

  1. North Korea , it is unclear whether the possession, consumption and production of this substance is legal or not. Some sources argue that the law does not prohibit its use , while others warn cannabis tourists that North Korea is not a joint paradise but rather, being discovered in possession of the substance can lead to serious legal consequences .

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