
  • Bumps on the penis
    This is what Fordyce granules are
  • How Fordyce granules manifest themselves
  • What are the causes of this blemish
  • You also have granules on your penis
  • Risk factors due to Fordyce spots on the body
  • Therapies and healing perspectives
  • Uro-Andrologist Dr. Francesco De Luca: professionalism by your side
  • Choose the professionalism of Dr. Francesco De Luca for redness problems of the foreskin

Bumps on the penis
This is what Fordyce granules are Known as Fordyce

granules , hypertrophic sebaceous glands are small bumps that appear on the shaft of the penis, on the scrotum, near the lips and at the vulvar level in women. They can be pale red, white-yellow, or skin-colored and are common in men, but also in women.
These spots on the penis shouldn’t scare you as they are harmless. They can cause concern due to their appearance, but they pose no health risk and are limited to being just a cosmetic problem. How Fordyce granules manifest themselves
These sebaceous cysts on the penis, which appear as yellow-white bumps or spots, are usually 1 to 3mm in diameter and may appear as pearly papules. Fordyce granules on the penis
and angiokeratomas of the scrotum can also occur in clusters of 50 to 100 spots, becoming increasingly noticeable when the skin is tight. Fortunately, they do not cause pain or itching although in some cases you may notice a bloody glans during or after sexual intercourse.
It is important to clarify that Fordyce granules :

  • They are not a sexually transmitted infection.
  • They are not infectious.

What are the causes of this blemish?
The cause of Fordyce spots is not yet certain. However, experts say Fordyce granules are natural: some studies have linked their development to hormonal changes, while others say they usually form during the embryonic stage .
Even if they are not a health problem, they still need medical attention if they start to change.
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You also have granules on your penis
Talk to an andrologist it could be much simpler than you think. Contact Dr. Francesco De Luca, also via Whatsapp and request an appointment immediately.

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Fattori di rischio dovuti alle macchie di Fordyce sul corpo
Le macchie di Fordycethey are twice as common in men than in women, and are more likely to appear on oily skin.
Spots around the mouth and eyes have also been linked to hyperlipidemia , and research has shown links between Fordyce granules and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Therapies and healing perspectives
Both dermatologists and andrologists agree in defining the appearance of Fordyce spots as not dangerous for health, thus advising against the use of specific treatments. However, there are a number of cosmetic treatments available.
If you notice any changes on the genitals or face and, in particular, the presence of theseFordyce granules on the penis , it is good to consult a specialist for clarification on the matter and to know all our services and treatments.
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Uro-Andrologist Dr. Francesco De Luca: professionalism by your side Make
an appointment with Dr. Francesco De Luca for an andrological examination for red foreskin problems. Choosing to rely on his skills means that you will have the certainty of quality services and highly professional medical advice. Choose the professionalism of Dr. Francesco De Luca for redness problems of the foreskin
Book now a consultation visit with the surgeon specialized in Uro-Andrology for all your types of ailments. For any necessary information, Dr. De Luca will be at your complete disposal.
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