The Selectivity of 2020 will be innovative in form, but not in substance . Masks, hydroalcoholic gels and safety distance will be minor issues if we compare them with what is really important: the university entrance exam for thousands of young people. A turning point in their lives that will be resolved in a few days. For this reason, the syllabus that they have to prepare and the possible questions of the exams take on special relevance.
What will fall this year in the Selectivity

It is the star question these days among the thousands of Sevillian students who will take these exams next July 7, 8 and 9. This doubt that haunts the heads of the high school graduates in the last days of study will be unknown until the very moment the exams begin. However, the contents of the tests of previous years can help to get an idea about the predilection for certain subjects of the teachers who prepare these exams and, although we should not trust it, this is what the statistics show.
The Constitution of 1812o Journalistic texts are some of the most recurrent topics in the examination sessions in two of the common subjects, History of Spain and Spanish Language and Literature II -the third is Foreign Language-, whose tests are carried out on the first day of the session . As the Selectivity dates do not coincide in all the autonomous communities, the theme chosen by those who start earlier can also give some clues to high school graduates while they wait for the date of their exams.

Spanish Language and Literature

exams In the Spanish Language and Literature exam there is an almost certain asset: the journalistic text. It fell last June with an editorial in the newspaper El Pais entitled Precarious Youth about the crisis and their unstable employment situation. The other option was highly applauded by students a couple of years ago: Antonio Buero Vallejo and his Story of a Staircase. A play by the natural playwright from Guadalajara who recently returned after many years to the syllabus of Spanish Language and Literature of 2nd year of Baccalaureate replacing Luces de Bohemia by Valle-Inclan, for which many students had it well prepared.
The year before, in 2017, he fell into journalism again. A complex article entitled The vested interests on bank fraud and the mortgage and real estate bubble published in InfoLibre that dislodged most of the students who took the exam that year. This option, together with the other offered by this subject, Pio Baroja and El arbol de la Ciencia, led to 81.10% of the students passing , 5.21% less than a year before.

History Exams

The other common subject that all those who take the selectivity will face is the History of Spain. Here too there are recurring themes, such as 1812 and 1898 . These two themes have alternated on several occasions during the last decade.
The last one three years ago, when the loss of the Spanish colonies in 1898 was an option along with democratic governments. This last one left the students in a trance because the uncertainty about the Catalan topic meant that during the course this part of the syllabus was overlooked. So much so that the percentage of passes in Andalusia for this subject went from 78.97% in 2016 -when Elizabeth II or the Civil War was given as options- to 59.11% in 2017.
In 2018 the Revolution was repeated again Liberal in the reign of Elizabeth II, Carlism and the Civil War in option A; and the creation of the Francoist state and the Dictatorship in option B. Approved by 70.97% of the Andalusian high school graduates who attended this call and the average grade was 6.07.

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