Filippo Onoranti’s post
It often happens to me to imagine how our time could be told in a few centuries. What could a history book say in two hundred years of what happened in 2019.
The actuality – whether for fun or exhaustion – looks a little further, offers a rather captivating Italian paronama. It is known that tragedies are full… Looking for a positive morality to be plundered becomes not only an inner need, but also a riddle of the most abstruse. It’s August, and the puzzles are great!
“At the beginning of 2000 the events that led to the Italian Revolution of 18/19 began. The economic crisis that hit the world in 2008 had weakened the consensus of the ruling political class, preparing the advance of new players. “. Talking about the 5 stars in these terms surprises me, but for those who seem dying it is more spontaneous to find benevolent words. The story could continue detailing the roccambolesca rise, in which the role of digital media (and down to references to the ‘900) and a comedian intertwine. The basic utopia is a wellfare, which only posterity will be able to judge whether it has been sustainable or not. The two really bring their movement to power, and “despite the compromises that will cost them the political end, the M5S managed to ratify the citizenship income as a state law”. One of those things you think about in a perfect world cannot but like. Thus, if we are not extinct or are not studying the history of the Chinese empire, a comparison with the French Revolution could also happen, and God wills that a seed has been sown in this century to defeat poverty. Unfortunately, I don’t even dream of it.
I have no idea if this part of the century in Italy will be read as a revolutionary period: in order to be such, revolutions must occur and then maybe they can even fail (in general this is how it happened). The French Revolution also had good doses of hypocrisy (it was an essentially bourgeois revolution, we remember) but certainly also elements on which it did not mediate and the revolutionaries paid for their stubbornness with their heads (the abolition of slavery was a labor of centuries) . They dropped their pants before even checking if their alleged revolution could work. “The revolution is not a gala dinner”, said a famous revolutionary: it seems to me that they were immediately interested only in lunch.
It would be excessively cruel as a retaliation of history for right-thinking politicians of the last 30 years to pass over in silence, and perhaps generically remembered as “armchair bourgeoisie”
The drama and that in the meantime our great-grandchildren could remember Casaleggio and Grillo as variants on Voltaire’s theme and Robespierre, and study them more than Pertini… If I were writing in pen, I’d leave it in my hand.
“Like all revolutionary movements, this one also disperses, and the 5 stars fall victim to their inexperience of government, a terrain that instead sees their complement with great experience. The management of the media that had determined the rise of the movement becomes the weapon with which the leader of the League vampirizes its popular consensus ”. Here there would be a somewhat romantic part, of those that in school textbooks are in the boxes that no one ever studies, but which give a sense of ifs and gods but that history cannot fail to arouse. Next to a photo of Casaleggio (the real one of course) the story of his untimely death, his great ideals and the curse of every great man in failing to pass the relay.
How it would have gone if a strategist hadn’t been missing in the yellow-green battle they won’t even know in two hundred years, but I think they will read something similar to Stalin’s conspiracy against Trotsky.
(Paolo Pingani collaborated)

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