Those surprise (but not too much) comments from the Libero and Giornale newspapers on Gianni Letta and Quirinale. I Graffi di Damato
Piu Silvio Berlusconi remains in the race for the succession to Sergio Mattarella, even behind the curtain of a reserve still to be dissolved, the more the Quirinale scenario is reduced to two figures: Mattarella himself for a confirmation, in spite of his insisted unavailability, and Mario Draghi for the first direct promotion, in the history of republican Italy, of a prime minister as head of state.
This reality was well perceived in the center-right by Matteo Salvini when he commented on Enrico Letta’s no, with the unanimous consent of the leadership and parliamentary groups of the Democratic Party, to the overly “divisive” candidacy of Berlusconi and the proposal for a negotiation between all the left for an end-of-term pact, without early elections and with an agreed solution for both the Quirinale and Palazzo Chigi. “Let’s not pull the jacket on Mattarella or Draghi”, replied the head of the League and for the moment also of the coalition invented by Berlusconi himself, whose party was however overtaken by the League in the 2018 elections.
Ignazio La Russa also realized this inevitable development of the race to the Quirinale, on behalf of the right headed by Giorgia Meloni, declaring to Corriere della Sera: “The hypothesis of an election of Draghi is not better or worse than the others. On our part, there is no veto on his candidacy ”. However, the veto expressed several times by Meloni herself against a confirmation from Mattarella seems to remain.
After all, that things go or can go in the direction of Draghi at the Quirinale, despite the inexhaustible Vittorio Sgarbi plans to make at least another 65 phone calls to undecided parliamentarians and the like to convince them to vote for Berlusconi, the former undersecretary, councilor must have warned him. , ambassador and anything else of the Knight, Gianni Letta, preceding the summit of the center-right, the day before yesterday on the Appia Antica, with a visit to Palazzo Chigi. Where he appears to have met with the head of the Cabinet of the Prime Minister but no one has confirmed or denied that he finally spoke with Draghi himself, as if to warn him that things were going for him very differently from how they would have appeared with the official formalization of the candidacy by Berlusconi.
On this visit of Gianni Letta to Palazzo Chigi, after the convivial summit in which he had participated, reactions of skepticism or concern had already occurred even in Villa Grande. But today the case broke out on the entire front page of the unsuspected Libero, led by the former editor of the Berlusconi family newspaper, Alessandro Sallusti, and lined up for the candidacy of the former prime minister at the Quirinale. “Read continues”, the newspaper titled, paraphrasing the continuous struggle of the years of lead. “Uncle and nephew’s plans for the Colle”, added Libero in the title, thus flanking Berlusconi’s former undersecretary with his nephew Enrico, Pd secretary clearly opposed to Berlusconi at the Quirinale.
“The game of Colle – wrote Sallusti in the editorial – and all in one surname: Letta. Yes, because in the field of the center-right to lead the operations is Gianni Letta – for all “the doctor” because only to name him comes fear – since 1987 Silvio Berlusconi’s shadow man with the power of life and death on everything that moves from them parts and more “. At this point, the good Augusto Minzolini, director of Berlusconi’s family newspaper, writes that the Quirinale match in progress and the search for a peace “between two opposing sides”: a peace that “only generals can sign “, Not being able to” guarantee neither the colonels, nor the characters who have invented the job of peacemaker. ” He too alludes to Gianni Letta