The month of September is midway between late summer and early autumn. In this period the temperatures begin to decrease and, for those who have a vegetable garden, a new period begins. In fact, the crops that characterized the summer are starting to run out. In some cases, if the season is still beautiful, it is not uncommon that the fruits of spring and summer work can still be reaped, but it is still time to think about the new season. Many at this time of the year wonder what to plant in September , precisely because it is the right time to plan new crops, depending on where you are, on the type of climate and soil, but also on specific conditions.
There are those, for example, who have sufficient land available for a real vegetable garden and can cultivate directly on the ground, while those who live in the city may have equipped the terrace or balcony for their crops. Even the structures available can be strategic for understanding what to sow in September : those who live in less mild areas may however have set up a small greenhouse to keep the temperatures, especially at night, a couple of degrees higher and to protect the sowing from some sudden downpour. Then there are those who, wondering what to plant in September, refer to plants and flowers rather than to garden products.

  • Garden: the flowers to be planted in September
  • Vegetable garden: what to plant in September
  • What to plant in September on the balcony

Garden: the flowers to plant in September
Planting and sowing do not only mean taking care of the vegetables in the garden , but can also concern green plants and flowering plants. Both the garden and the balcony, or the windowsill, can be enriched with plants and plants that embellish both the external and internal environments. So then the month of September allows you to take a moment of tranquility and decide which flowers and plants you want to grow. In fact, in this month, all lovers of flower gardens can devote themselves to choosing the most suitable flowers to plant in September.

  • Asters: it is not for nothing that these flowers are also called September. In fact, asters are flowers similar to daisies, whose petals have various colors from purple to pink, which bloom in the month of September. Ideal to have them ready at the right time and buy them in a jar: from the end of August they can be easily found in any flower shop and have a fairly affordable price. If you intend to put them on the ground, it is good to provide a gravelly layer, on top of which organic material must be placed: only at that point can the plant be transferred with the earth from the jar, taking care not to leave it in direct contact with the roots the fertilizer.
  • Cyclamen : although it is a plant that finds its maximum flowering in autumn and winter, in September the first buds appear and it begins to be a very pleasant plant. Generally, it is not advisable to put this plant in the ground, as it suffers from cold temperatures. In September you can put it in a vase and withdraw it when it starts to get cold. It should be considered that it is a very sensitive plant to sunlight, so it is advisable to place it in the shade, otherwise the risk is that the leaves will suffer from burns.
  • Roses: Roses bloom at different times of the year and it is not uncommon for rose plants to be planted even in September. Among other things, in this period the cuttings can be prepared. Who has already large plants in the garden, can dedicate this period of the year to cleaning the roses and eliminating flowers and dead branches as well as too long shoots that do not produce flowers.

In addition to the plants that bloom in September, at this time of year you can also think about sowing those flowers that will sprout in spring . In fact, this is the right time to put some bulbs in the ground, for example.

  • Narcissus: it is known, the narcissus is an extremely beautiful flower and very pleasant to see in the gardens in spring. The bulbs can be buried both in the field and in the pot. They are quite easy to grow and require no special care. On spring days they will sprout and embellish gardens and balconies.
  • Iris: Irises are also garden flowers that are particularly popular for their range of colors and their elegant appearance. Like daffodils, they are not difficult to grow, also because they do well in both warm and less temperate climates. The bulbs should be placed in the ground, both in pots and in open fields, at a depth of about 6 centimeters.
  • Tulips: elegant and stylish, tulips are considered by some to be the flower par excellence and, with their precious glass, they represent an excellent solution for a romantic gift. They are more delicate, so they need to be planted before it gets too cold. Tulips can also be placed in pots or in an open field and the bulb should be placed about 5-10 centimeters under the ground with the tip pointing upwards.
  • Lily: another bulb plant is the lily, which is also very elegant and pleasant both in the garden and on the balconies or terraces. The earth suffers too much damp, so it is good to add a little sand to the soil. It should be kept in a semi-sunny position.

Vegetable garden: what to plant in September
Taking care of the garden in September can be very pleasant. Summer is ending, temperatures are falling and even the onslaught of mosquitoes is over, so it can be very pleasant to spend a few hours in the middle of nature. But many wonder if the season is not too late for garden products and, if it is still possible, they wonder what to grow in September . In fact, in addition to still reaping the fruits of the summer season, you can prepare the soil for winter sowing and start planting some species. It is very important to pay attention to the moon:

  • In the growing moon or in the new moon , cutting vegetables can be sown, as this allows greater growth of the above-ground part. In particular, these are lettuce, rocket, beets from the coast. Vegetables such as carrots, turnips, turnip greens and cabbage, which can be safely planted at this time of year, also require a crescent moon. Even fennel and radicchio, which in this season can be transplanted from the seedbed to the field, must be transplanted on a growing moon.
    Carrots require dry soil and must be prepared carefully, taking care to put a deep layer of sand and to carefully evaluate the amount of water present before wetting.
  • On the waning moon , other vegetables, such as onions and spinach, are planted. Even for some vegetables that need transplanting in September, such as leeks, a waning moon is recommended. In the same way, also the head salads, but also the songino, it is advisable to choose the waning moon, when the moon does not pull the sap upwards but downwards.

deserves a separate consideration : although it is a flowering plant, which is also very beautiful, it is generally grown not so much for aesthetics, but for the pistils from which the precious spice is extracted. Saffron is a bulb plant, which grows best in the field and which needs the right climate to give its best. Its bulbs should also be planted in September during before the activation phase begins, so that the plant starts in spring and reaches flowering in the following autumn. What to plant on the balcony in September
If you are not lucky enough to have a vegetable garden, but have decided to organize a small vegetable garden on the balcony or terrace, even in September you can still plant several vegetables, which will allow a pleasant harvest even in the cold months. In some ways, indeed, putting the vegetables in pots can be easier, because it reduces the risk of frost and allows you to keep the plants better sheltered. Some seedlings, such as winter onions, can be prepared in the seedbed on the balcony and then, if you have the possibility, they can be transplanted into the garden, as they do not fear the cold. Conversely, other vegetables are best found in pots.
Among the vegetables that can still be planted in September are carrots, rocket, lettuce and spinach. They are all vegetables that are particularly good even in pots and can give great satisfaction to those who organize a home garden. In any case, one is to be preferredsun exposure and a position sheltered from the wind, especially if you are on the higher floors. Savoy cabbage and cauliflower can also be safely grown in pots, however some measures must be taken to be sure that the cultivation bears good fruit: first of all, the right pots must be chosen, i.e. deep enough to allow the roots to expand sufficiently, therefore it is necessary choose the best time. In the case of the latter, it is good to organize yourself already at the beginning of the month and do not wait too long, to give the plant in time to grow at the best time.

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