Summer is coming and the bikini operation speeds up its process. If the confinement wreaked havoc on many people in terms of weight and health, the time changes, the restrictions and the difficulty in maintaining a stable life routine, together with the gastronomic explosion every time the hand has been opened a little On the subject of family gatherings, they have also led to some dietary imbalances that many now try to put a stop to.
Hypocaloric diet, diet by points, protein diet, alkaline diet, Dukan diet, going from the sofa to the gym and from the bed to the bicycle… There are many techniques that we are used to following and/or listening to. Among them, the Sakuma method emerges strongly, which basically consists of a daily exercise routine with which we will not only lose weight but also correct ourbody posture . And all this while spending just five minutes a day for at least two weeks. Because you don’t always have to sweat a lot to lose weight.
The Sakuma method
The Japanese personal trainer Kenichi Sakuma has it clear. This method of exercise and healthy living helps you lose weight in record time , and it does so without health risks, which is why it is gaining popularity among influencers and celebrities , becoming exponentially popular.
The important thing for Sakuma is to know your body well and to know what keys you have to touch to burn the fat you need. Even in the most rebellious areas: waist, abdomen, thighs, twins, arms, buttocks, back and torso. The key
Strengthen the muscles and balance them so that our metabolism remains active at all times, which translates into a burning of constant fat throughout the day that takes place without us noticing.
We can lose up to 5% of our volume per monthin relation to our body mass with very simple exercises and simple healthy eating guidelines. The exercises of the Sakuma method are basically stretches in which you do not have to put too much effort. Sakuma recommends that during the first two weeks the training be carried out daily and that from the third week they are interspersed with rest days.
They recommend following the method every day for the first two weeks and inserting rest days from the third
. The routine would be made up of 5 exercises. Some to work the lower body, helping to reduce volume, but also strengthens arms, chest and abdomen; others would work hips and buttocksfavoring the elimination of cellulite and correcting postural problems. Finally, the method also has exercises to refine the waist that you can perform sitting in a chair.
The importance of nutrition
Stretching and body posture are the basis of the Sakuma method, but it must also be accompanied by certain healthy eating habits .
Do not skip breakfast , which must be taken within the first half hour after waking up.
Increase the amount of quality protein in the diet
Eat at least three times a day and drink plenty of water
Avoid alcohol
Sweets are eaten in two servings, to do twice the digestion increasing energy expenditure