You can’t say you’re a true skincare queen until you know the difference between scrubs, peels, and scrubs . In this invaluable guide, we take you through the particularities of each of these techniques and teach you the tricks of true beauty experts, for perfect skin at all times. A question of peeling: what is the difference with scrubs
Their common goal is to eliminate dead cellsand promote skin regeneration, so as to provide the deserved shine to your face and body. The method, however, changes slightly. In fact, if we often tend to use these two names as synonyms, the truth is slightly different. The two techniques aim to free the superficial layer of skin of the face and body from dead cells to restore softness and radiance, renewing the complexion and reducing the visibility of the pores. Yet they do it very differently. Scrub: the definition
The scrub, also known as mechanical exfoliation, remove cells by physical friction by exploiting the action of micro-granules that decisively eliminate dead skin. This technique is very suitable for the body and is especially recommended for oily skin. Like any dead skin removal activity, the scrub is recommended 1 to 2 times a week, no more, to avoid injury. Peeling: the definition
Peeling exploits the properties of some substances, such as alpha and beta-hydroxy acids. Take for example glycolic, salicylic or lactic acid and apply them to the face to accelerate the natural replacement of the skin, favoring the formation of new cells much more vital and happy. The action of peelingand deep and intense compared to that of the scrub precisely because these substances act directly on the glue between dead cells, and eliminate it. In appearance, the peeling is more delicate than the scrub, but we must pay close attention to the tolerance we have towards the substances used. Peeling is suitable for dry skin because it skips the slightly more aggressive process of “mechanical exfoliation”, which can damage already compromised skin. Scrub: what’s
the difference Unlike scrub, scrubis a new technique that gently exfoliates the skin and is composed of moisturizers, vegetable oils and nourishing and greedy ingredients for thirsty skin. This is a treatment that, unlike the previous two, adapts perfectly to the needs of sensitive skin, and while using the same exfoliating principle as the scrub, it is much gentler and more delicate on the skin . Tips for exfoliation
Regardless of whether you are trying a peel, scrub or scrub for the first time, the usual rules apply: after a treatment, avoid immediate exposure to the sun. This way you will keep yourself away from rashes, heartburn and sunburn. After exfoliation, be sure to nourish the skin with nourishing and moisturizing products at the same time, which thanks to the removal of dead skin will have an even more intense effect than usual. Another good tip is to exfoliate before applying the anti cellulite cream: even more interesting results!

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