The cabanuelas is a system used anciently to forecast the weather throughout the months of a year. For this, the weather of the first days of January is observed and it was used especially by farmers. The objective was to predict meteorological phenomena and better or worse moments for sowing.
Currently, this method is still very popular, although making a more or less correct calculation can be somewhat complicated. The main thing is to have a lot of patience and a good memory.
To put this method into use, you have to pay attention to what are called the cabanuelas de ida.That is, analyze the time of the first 12 days of the year. This must be done this way because, according to the cabanuelas, January 1 will indicate how the weather will be in January, January 2 will indicate February, and so on.
On the other hand, the cabanuelas are back . These would count from January 13. They serve to predict the weather of the months in descending order . Therefore, January 13 would be the time in December, January 14 in November, etc. To refine it even more, from the 25th to the 30th of January, we will be talking about the equivalent of the weather every two months. That is, the 25th of January represents the months of January and February, the 26th is equivalent to the months of March and April, etc.
Subsequently, it is taken on January 31 and divided into two-hour intervals in descending order. From 12 to 2 is the month of December, from 2 to 4 the month of November, and so on.
At the end of the month of December, the climate obtained in each of the previous steps is taken and an average is made . That result will indicate the climate of the month that we want to know.That is, to predict the weather for the month of February, it would be necessary to take into account the existing weather on January 2, the weather on January 23, the weather on January 25 and the weather on January 31 between 8 and 10 at night. .
Filomena’s prediction came from the hands of the cabanuelas
In addition to the cabanuelas of January, alsoMany people perform this method in the first days of August . Specifically, from August 1 to 24.
Jorge Rey is a young man from Burgos who became famous for predicting Filomena , the meteorological phenomenon that first left almost the entire country covered in snow. He said he had achieved it using the method of the cabanuelas , with which he claims to be right 98% of the time .
In the month of November of this same year he was right again with his prediction of important snowfalls. “Las Cabanuelas told us that pure winter would come at the end of November 2021,” he assured. And we were surprised by the winter DANA.
Jorge Rey weather forecast for the year 2022
Jorge Rey makes a forecast for the year 2022 month by month in his personal blog, although it must be taken into account that these predictions will be more accurate for the areas close to Burgos:
January : the first fortnight is marked by rains, he even believes that it can snow at medium-high levels. The snowfalls will intensify at the end of the month (he insists on January 24) along with the frosts.
February : some rain for the first two weeks of February, although it will not be until the second half when the weather is rainier. There will be strong wind and frost.
March: The rains will continue to be protagonists at the beginning of March, the month in which spring enters. As a general rule, temperatures will have normal values ​​for the season, although they will be a little higher in the second fortnight.
April : A first fortnight marked by rainfall, although in the second the weather will be more stable.
May : the rain will not stop in the fifth month of the year. Even the cabanuelas say that it could snow at medium-high altitudes. The temperatures will be milder.
June : the start of summer will be somewhat unstable, although as July approaches, the weather will stabilize. There will be heat and wind the first days of the month.
July: good weather will predominate in the quintessential summer month. Everything will get complicated in the final stretch, since some rains and lower temperatures than normal are expected.
August : an unstable August is presented (more in the first fortnight), although it will improve little by little in the middle of the month.
September : it will be accompanied by rains, but, as in August, the weather will improve in the middle of the month. Of course, the weather will become unstable in the last days of September.
October : the rains will be abundant again in October. Jorge Rey says that “the second half could be drier and with a milder temperature.”
November: the penultimate month will be drier than usual, since it will hardly rain. There could be frost during the first fortnight.
December : we will say goodbye to the year with a dry first fortnight, stable temperatures and some frost. For the last stretch of December, it could rain.