The nutrition of our animals is a fundamental aspect to ensure that they have good health. In recent years, natural food is gaining ground in dog food. For this reason, today we want to show you from Mascotissimas what the BARF diet for dogs is and why it could be a good option.
The term BARF refers to the acronym forBones and Raw Food, which qualifies a diet of bones and raw food, that is, offering our animals products that are not cooked or processed.Among these foods we find meat, viscera, bones or uncooked eggs and the amount of each nutrient is adapted to the age and specific needs of each dog.
According to some experts, dogs are really carnivorous animals and their diet is based on a high percentage of protein of animal origin. According to Australian veterinarian Ian Billinghurst, a dog’s daily diet should be made up of 60% bones with meat and muscle; 25% lean meat or fish; and 15% raw fruits and vegetables, organ meats, or eggs.
In addition to considering this food ratio, it is essential that the food is raw to prevent cooking from destroying the vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients they contain.
Benefits of the BARF diet
Before starting, we recommend that you consult your trusted veterinarian because changing a dog’s diet should always be controlled by a specialist, and precisely the BARF diet has divided the veterinary world since for some it is a very important diet and for others There is no scientific evidence that it is so good.
That said, experts consider that it has the following benefits:
-Improves the dog’s hydration: Raw foods give him more hydration, so the dog probably drinks less water. That should not be a problem since it will continue to be hydrated.
-It opens the appetite: Dogs that eat raw food enjoy its intense flavors more.
-Improves the health of your mouth:One of the main health problems that dogs have is the amount of tartar that usually accumulates. In this article we teach you how to help your dog not to accumulate tartar: prevent and eliminate it. Biting raw food, in addition to entertaining, prevents it from accumulating and improves the general well-being of your mouth.
-Improves the animal’s immune system, hair and skin: By not cooking the food, the dog consumes the antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that the food contains. For this reason it improves your immune system.
-Reduces overweight and intolerances : This type of diet does not have cereals or grains, so it reduces some type of sensitivity. It also helps maintain your weight, since they are not processed foods.
Disadvantages of the BARF diet
-Broken teeth: As it is fed with bones and meat, the chances of our dog losing a piece increase.
-Lack of nutrients: One of the main drawbacks claimed by detractors of this type of diet. By giving our animal a restricted list of foods, there is a lack of certain vitamins and minerals. There are also food supplements for this type of diet, consult your veterinarian if you are interested in it.
-Needs commitment from the owner : This type of food requires us to have an organization and planningof food on a daily basis, both in terms of the nutrients themselves and the amounts that we administer. In addition, it is more expensive than any other type of feed.