All the details revealed by Giletti’s “Non e l’Arena” and Belpietro’s “La Verita” on the chats Guerra (WHO) -Brusaferro (Iss)
New details on the case of the old Italian pandemic plan.
WHO Deputy Director Ranieri Guerra , former Director General of Prevention at the Ministry of Health, and under investigation in Bergamo for having declared the false when he was called to confer, as a person informed on the facts, in the context of the investigation into the Italian pandemic plan .
Massimo Giletti and his team from “ Non e l’Arena ” returned to the theme of the Italian pandemic plan, of the published and then removed report that nailed Italy about the absence of an updated pandemic plan.The facts
On May 13, 2020, the WHO publishes a 102-page document in which it assesses the management of the early stages of the pandemic in Italy. ” Prepared for such a flow of critically ill patients , the initial reaction of the hospitals was impromptu, chaotic and creative.” This is the evaluation of the report funded by the government of Kuwait with the aim of informing the countries not yet affected by the epidemic. The document was drafted by a team of 11 WHO European scientists, including the Italian Francesco Zambon. 24 hours after publication , Ranieri Guerra , a doctor with a robust curriculum in health diplomacy, asks for it to be canceled. The role of Ranieri Guerra in the management of the pandemic in Italy
Ranieri Guerra, as written by Francesco Borgonovo in La Verita, exerted a great influence on the Italian management of the Covid-19 pandemic. First of all he was the envoy to Italy of the WHO and consultant of the first Scientific Technical Committee created by Minister Speranza. Secondly, between 2014 and 2017, Guerra was director general for prevention at the ministry of health , precisely in the years in which Italy should have updated its pandemic plan, which was stopped in 2006. According to one study drawn up by retired general Pier Paolo Lunelli, if Italy had had an updated pandemic plan it would have counted about 10 thousand fewer deaths in the early stages of the pandemic. Ranieri Guerra’s messages: pressure on Zambon
The transmission conducted by Giletti last night made public the messages between Guerra and the president of the ISS, Silvio Brusaferro . From the messages it is evident that there has been pressure on researcher Zambon following the publication of the report. “I was brutal with the idiots of the Venice document . I sent profuse apologies to the minister and I put you in the cc of some communications – writes Guerra to Brusaferro -. Eventually I went to Tedros(WHO director, ed.)) and I had the document collected. I am now checking out some side and social media sites where it may still be accessible to close all channels. However, I think it is a lousy thing that was not missed. I also hope to drop a couple of incorrigible heads. They made a fool of themselves . He was told in every way. They bypassed the authorized route to go out with a report and put a signature. ” And in another conversation he adds to the dose. “We should also see what to do with my Venice idiots. As you know, I had that damn report withdrawn but work has been done that, re-read, amended and digested together, could also make sense “.
#nonelarena It is not the Arena, it shows the shocking messages between #RanieriGuerra and #Brusaferro: “I was brutal with the idiots of Venice …”. #Giletti is furious. # Pianopandemico
– It’s not the Arena (@nonelarena) April 11, 2021 The involvement of Zaccardi, Minister Speranza’s head of cabinet
Ranieri Guerra’s messages call into question also the dicastery led by Roberto Speranza , which is proposed to publish a revised version of the report. “I see Zaccardi at 19.00 (editor’s note Head of Cabinet of Minister Speranza) – writes Ranieri Guerra to Silvio Brusaferro -. You want me to start talking to him about the hypothesis of revision of the report of the donkeys of Venice.
Then we will agree on how
“. At this point, Guerra reports to the President of the ISS the wishes of Speranza’s cabinet chief. “The CDG (editor’s note Head of Cabinet of the Ministry of Health) says to see if we can make it fall into thin air . If no one talks about it by Monday, he wants to kill him. Otherwise we will take it back together “.
#nonelarena Messaggi #RanieriGuerra and #Brusaferro: “As you know I had that damn report withdrawn.” # Giletti # La7 #pianopandemico
– It’s not the Arena (@nonelarena) April 11, 2021 Pier Paolo Sileri: “This is the way of making an Italian”
In the studio was present the Deputy Minister of Health Pier Paolo Sileriwho does not mince words to comment on the facts. “This is the way to do with an Italian girl who puts the dust under the carpet – says the deputy minister -. Because that report could be of help to other countries ”. When asked about the possible responsibilities of Minister Speranza Sileri, he reveals that he too was a “victim” of silence on the part of the Italian bureaucratic machine. “Some time ago I spoke to Agostino Miozzo who was at the CTS and he told me that he had orders not to give me the documents and not to pass my information – said Sileri on transmission-. Which is a very serious thing because I was the deputy minister. So I had a CTS that for 7 months didn’t evaluate what I wrote, but when I said it, it was me ”.
#nonelarena @piersileri: “Agostino #Miozzo from #Cts told me ‘I was ordered not to give you your documents and not to pass your information’, a very serious thing because I was the deputy minister”. # Giletti # La7 #pianopandemico #RanieriGuerra #Silerihttps: //
– It’s not the Arena (@nonelarena) April 11, 2021 Zambon’s resignation
The researcher Francesco Zambon , after having addressed the WHO top management to denounce the pressures, finds himself alone because the organization not only did not take measures but sided with Ranieri Guerra. As Borgonovo writes in La Verita , the WHO claimed that Zambon’s report contained errorsand you forbid the researcher to speak to the press and the Bergamo Public Prosecutor’s Office. However, Zambon goes independently to the investigators. On 11 March 2021, WHO official Francesco Zambon decided to resign. “After the incident he was isolated, marginalized, no one replied to emails than him. He was no longer considered – said the journalist Silvia Amurri -. In an interview with the ‘Foglio’ Ranieri Guerra di Zambon says ‘perhaps he aspired to run the office in Venice, or they offered him a parachute or he hopes for compensation’. To these heavy words Zambon responded with his resignation, he gave up four million dollars which is what he would have earned from now until 2038, the year of his retirement ”.The silence of Minister Speranza
The health minister, who remained in his post in the transition from the Conte government to the one led by Mario Draghi , did not take an official position on the incident and on the figure of the WHO official. “ Zambon has left the WHO and I’m sorry – said Sileri-, I hope that his expertise can find space elsewhere. It is clear that we need to shed light. The first who brought up the problems of the pandemic plan, even before Report, was myself “.
#nonelarena Non e l’Arena makes #Zaccardi, Head of Cabinet of #Speranza tremble with the unprecedented exchange of messages between #RanieriGuerra and # Brusaferro. # Giletti # La7 #pianopandemico #chat
– It’s not the Arena (@nonelarena) April 11, 2021