- Why it is important to know what is penile fibrosis or Induratio penis Plastica
- Induratio penis Plastica: what are the risk factors
- You also have Peyronie’s symptoms
- The importance of vitamin E
- Possible treatments to cure penile fibrosis
- Uro-Andrologist Dr. Francesco De Luca: professionalism by your side
- Choose the professionalism of Dr. Francesco De Luca for problems with erection or induratio penis
Why it is important to know what is penile fibrosis or induratio penis Plastica
Penile fibrosis or penile fibrosis , also known as Peyronie’s disease or induratio penis Plastica, is a disease that affects the male genital organ . This pathology manifests itself in a fibrosis of the tunica albuginea, that is the poorly vascularized sheath that covers the corpora cavernosa of the penis, which allow an erection.
The tunica albuginea, which is normally elastic and resistant, in the area where it is affected by penile fibrosisit becomes stiff, sometimes also causing plaque to form in the penis and causing a curvature that is evident during an erection. In some cases, we can even speak of deformations of the penis: this is because the diseased part is no longer able to extend and the course of the disease causes a progressive shortening of the penis which loses elasticity and volume . Induratio penis Plastica: what are the risk factors
Induratio penis Plastica has causes that are not yet fully known. To date, the reasons that give rise to penile fibrosis are not known, but micro traumas , a lump in the penis or a hereditary immune response are hypothesized ..
However, Peyronie’s disease has common symptoms including:
- Increased sensitivity of the penis . In about 2/3 of patients the pain is present but not constant. Plaque formation in the penis with consequent deformation occurs later in the course of the disease.
- Dorsal and lateral curvatures . Peyronie’s disease can present itself in the form of curvatures, including with a ventral fold or with a sort of ring that constricts the penis and makes it take on an hourglass shape .
- Formation of a fibrous penile plaque (Hipp’s plaque) . The stabilization of the pathology involves the formation of a plaque, which in the most acute cases can take on a bony consistency . The time in which this process takes place varies from patient to patient: it is also possible the formation of other plaques in the glans and in different areas of the penis, which involve a continuous modification of the curvature and, in some cases, when counter tractions are exerted, also a straightening of the rod.
- Rod retraction or deformity. If the intercavernosal septum is affected, that is the spinal column between the two corpora cavernosa, a retraction of the shaft or its deformity occurs instead of a curvature.
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Talking to an andrologist may be much easier than you think. Contact Dr. Francesco De Luca, also via Whatsapp and request an appointment immediately. [/ Vc_column_text] [/ vc_column_inner] [/ vc_row_inner] [vc_btn title = ”Book an appointment” style = ”custom” custom_background = ”# 00aae5 ″ custom_text = “#Ffffff” align = “center” button_block = “true” link = “url: https% 3A% 2F% 2Fandrologiadeluca.it% 2Fcontatti% 2F |||”] [vc_btn title = “Call” style = “custom” custom_background = “# 007ee5 ″ custom_text =” # ffffff “align =” center “button_block =” true “link =” url: tel% 3A% 2B393284798477 ||| “] [vc_btn title =” WhatsApp “style =” custom “custom_background = ”# 42d64c” custom_text = ”# ffffff” align = ”center” button_block = ”true” link = ”url: https% 3A% 2F% 2Fweb.whatsapp.The importance of vitamin E
In case of induratio penis Plastica healing is possible, but it is necessary to make a distinction according to the case. The intake of vitamin E , for example, is included among the possible treatments against fibrosis: it seems, in fact, that this vitamin, if taken in the early stages of the disease, has effects on the inflamed cavernous bodies, reducing the damage caused by free radicals. . Possible treatments to cure penile fibrosis
Penile fibrosis can be treated in different ways, but the first goal is always to stop its development. After identifying the area affected by fibrosis, through a physical examination and an ultrasound of the penis, you can proceed with various techniques, decided by the specialist in consideration of the specific case:
- Very effective, especially on pain, and shock wave therapy (ESWT).
- Oral treatment involves taking phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor drugs which, when spontaneous nocturnal erections occur, increase the blood supply to the corpora cavernosa and nourish healthy tissue.
- You can then choose to carry out pharmacological injections inside the plaque, or to resort to laser therapy or the iontophoresis technique.
- When the disease is stopped, surgery can be done to correct the curvature and remove the plaque.
To make a diagnosis, evaluate the degree of induratio penis Plastica and the most suitable treatment, it is always good to contact a specialist in the sector: contact us to book your visit! [/ Vc_column_text] [/ vc_column] [/ vc_row]
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an appointment with Dr. Francesco De Luca for an andrological examination for erection problems. Choosing to rely on his skills means that you will have the certainty of quality services and highly professional medical advice. Choose the professionalism of Dr. Francesco De Luca for problems with erection or induratio penis
Book now a consultation visit with the surgeon specialized in Uro-Andrology for all your types of ailments. For any information you may need, Dr. De Luca will be at your complete disposal. [/ Vc_column_text] [vc_btn title = ”Book an appointment” style = ”outline” color = ”primary” align = ”left” i_icon_fontawesome = ”fa fa-hand- o-right “add_icon =” true “link =” url: https% 3A% 2F% 2Fandrologiadeluca.it% 2Fcontatti% 2F ||| “] [/ vc_column]