Two of the star dishes of our gastronomy when summer arrives are, without a doubt, gazpacho and salmorejo . The consumption of these two common Mediterranean dishes increases with temperature due to their easy preparation, their easy digestion, their high nutritional value and their low fat and calorie content.In view of these premises, it is almost impossible for them to gain weight. Error or success
, which of the two is more fattening
, how many calories does each one have
Between gazpacho and salmorejo , the difference in calories depends on the quantity of the proportion that is included of each ingredientwhen the dish is to be prepared. Also keep in mind that if you buy these cold soups already packaged, they may contain more calories per serving due to the preservatives they include. In addition to vegetables rich in fiber, we also find bread, olive oil and salt . The “depends” is on the amount that we add of these three elements, because an excess of them can change their nutritional balance. Of course, we already anticipated that both are healthy dishes, low in fat and compatible with diets.
The calories in gazpacho and salmorejo
To start from a base, we will make the calculations on 100 g of gazpacho and another 100 g of salmorejo, and for the figures to be exact , we must detail the amount that we put of each ingredient.
E gazpacho for 4 people with 1 kilo of fleshy and very ripe red tomatoes, 50 g of fresh spring onion, 1 or 2 cloves of garlic, 70 g of cucumber, 100 g of thin-skinned red pepper, 50 g of white bread soaked in water, 40 g of extra virgin olive oil = 4 tablespoons, 2 or 3 tablespoons of wine vinegar and salt has a total of 719 calories, that is, 179 per person .
If the brine, also for 4 people, is made with the same kilo of very red tomatoes, 1 or 2 cloves of garlic, the same amount of oil, 4 tablespoons also extra virgin, 2 or 3 tablespoons of wine vinegar, salt and 50 g of breadcrumb soaked in water, which is essential here, has 679 calories, that is, 170 per person , practically the same, although somewhat less compared to what one might think.
If you make these two preparations with a good grinder or blender, the kind that completely removes all the skin of the tomato and its seeds and the skin of the cucumber, the gazpacho maynot have any bread because it is thick enough and then it will only have 147 kilocalories. For many, its lack is not noticeable and the same amount would be fattening somewhat less than salmorejo .
Therefore, gazpacho and salmorejo are more or less fattening with only 9 kcal difference, although there is a trick to make thegazpacho recipe lighter and thus achieve less fattening.
The gazpacho trick
It is as simple as removing the soaked bread . With the vegetables it would be enough to achieve the desired thickness, and the calories would drop to 147.
The absence of the bread is not noticeable in the flavor of this cold soup and by eliminating it the dish is lightened. This cannot be done with salmorejo, in which the bread isessential to achieve the characteristic cream-like thickness .