One of the first dramas of the first world that we face on some occasion when we go out for a drink is what to order to drink.The widespread popular threat of the high caloric value that drinking alcohol entails, and the advice of dietitians-nutritionists who -with science on their side- claim H2O as the healthiest drink that exists, always leads us to look for the alternative. One of the most common solutions is usually that of ”I ask for an aquarius or a nestea”, soft drinks in general as salvation. But is it a healthier option
, what is its caloric intake in relation to beer
La Cerveza, is a drink made from a cereal, barley, the fifth most cultivated cereal in the world. It provides infinity of benefits, among which the B vitamins stand out , which are necessary for the organism. Beer has no fat, but its excessive consumption can cause the stomach to dilate, in addition to containing sugar. However, these amounts are tiny. The problem with beer is the alcohol, which adds high doses of calories to the drink.
Compared to traditional beer, we have soft drinks , to which sugars are added to give them a sweet taste. Despite this, and the calories they provide us, soft drinks do not contain alcohol, which makes them a choiceLess caloric than traditional beer. But we must also bear in mind that they hardly provide us with nutrients as happens with beer, which is a nutritious food and in many cases even recommended.
The situation in this case is more harmful to the body due to the high proportion of sugar they contain. A 355-milliliter can or bottle of soda can provide between 140 and 195 calories , which, unlike beer, are considered empty calories because they do not provide any nutrients and a lot of sugar.
Zero sugar
soft drinks The bad fame of some soft drinks forced the industry to focus its efforts on creating non- caloric drinks.Drinks whose trade name is associated with expressions such as “zero”, “light”, “without”, etc. The supposed value of drinks with sweeteners focuses on their absence of calories , or at least on having many fewer than the original product . This would limit the intake of extra calories, known as ’empty’.
However, zero sugar soft drinks are artificially sweetened, using aspartame, cyclamate, sucralose or saccharin. They replace sugar, but can increase the desire to eat sweets, since they do not have a natural composition. These sweeteners cause our body to modify the processing of fats when regularly consuming this type of soft drink.
In addition, it has been shown that its regular consumption could increase metabolic syndrome factors by up to 36% , increasing the possibility of developing diabetes by up to 6% , and other obesity-related diseases.
In conclusion, adding soft drinks to your usual diet, whether with or without sugar, does not help at all to adopt a proper eating pattern , although they can be a good sporadic option on outings with friends or gatherings away from home.