With Design Thinking we refer to a design model used by companies to respond to changes and new complexities through innovative solutions . Codified at the turn of the century at Stanford University, California, the approach was mostly adopted by agencies and design studios. Over time, however, Design Thinking has also begun to assert itself in all other sectors, leading to a change of perspective compared to the past in terms of mentality, tools and processes. The 5 phases of Design Thinking
Conventionally, Design Thinking for business includes five fundamental phases, independent from each other but strictly connected. Here they are in detail:
- Empathize : starting from understanding the problem and knowing the customer. In this phase, the goal is to find as much useful information as possible to identify the difficulty.
- Define : the second point connects to the first and completes it. During this phase, the information collected is contextualized, with the definition of data and key players.
- Conceived : one of the main phases of Design Thinking begins and consists of the first useful brainstorming to start finding creative ideas and solutions for the problem under consideration. It is a real moment of opportunity research and analysis, in which the different experts collaborate together.
- Prototype : from the idea to concreteness. In the prototype phase, as the term suggests, we proceed with the prototyping of the best solution, to establish strengths and margins for improvement before the final application.
- Test : The last phase of Design Thinking includes testing and validation. The product / service is proposed to the actors involved, with the final validation.
All five phases share the same vision of value , declined taking into consideration the people, the technologies and the organization that must profit from it.
The Design Thinking process is not always linear. Indeed, most of the time it involves a recursive trend , with possible new considerations on the resolution of the problem and on the solution strategy. The focus of the methodology remains the innovative approach and the creation of innovative solutions that allow the company to make a radical change from the past. That is, an improvement. Tangity: NTT DATA’s design studio
Driven by the digital transformation underway, Design Thinking is establishing itself in many sectors, with a growing number of companies interested in the service. This is the case, for example, of NTT DATA, a leading company in the Strategic and Business Design sector.
From this point of view, we understand the success achieved by Tangity , the global studio of NTT DATA Design Network, which, from manifest, aims to “make complexity fit for human beings”. Starting from the needs of the customer and the wishes of the people, Tangity creates tangible and intuitive solutions that have a positive impact on companies and companies.
The work of the design studio does not end with the launch of the product: Tangity accompanies organizations apath of evolution and radical innovation , which takes into account every part of the company.
Among the strengths of Tangity is the multicultural approach to the problem. Drawing inspiration from different cultures, varied experiences and multiple disciplines, the “untanglers” of problems, as they like to define themselves, who work in the design studio facing the most complex challenges starting from creative ideas capable of materializing into cutting-edge solutions and of inspiration for others.