The extraordinary BOJA number 79 reveals the details of the new de-escalation phase established in the Order of September 15, 2021. Its extraordinary publication, yesterday afternoon, allows the new measures to come into force this Thursday, September 16 , as urged in BOJA itself.
The new regulations modify the previous Order, of May 7, 2021, by which the Andalusian Government established the health alert levels and adopted temporary measures in Andalusia for the containment of Covid-19, after the state of alarm .
According to the new official measures, capacity and schedules are extended in certain areas. This flexibility affects in particular places of worship, hotels and restaurants , nightlife establishments, beaches , children’s recreational establishments, sports facilities, theaters, cinemas and auditoriums, establishments for zoological, botanical and geological activities and gambling and betting establishments .

100% capacity in religious worship

At alert level 1 , religious meetings and gatherings may take place in all types of facilities, public or private with a capacity of 100% , whether inoutdoor spaces or indoor spaces , maintaining the greatest interpersonal distance possible and applying the recommended hygienic-sanitary conditions.
The capacity in worship will be reduced as the alert level increases : At alert level 2 , it will not be possible to exceed 60% of its capacity that allows interpersonal distance to be maintained; at alert level 3 , it may not exceed 50% of its capacity that allows maintaining the interpersonal distance ; At alert level 4 , it will not be possible to exceed 30% of its capacity that allows maintaining interpersonal distance.
Likewise, for the realization in the public thoroughfare of the cult throughprocessions ,recommendations for the entire autonomous community will be established by the health authority .

Establishments with music: close at 3:30

In general, consumption outside or inside the premises will be seated at a table, or groups of tables, and the maintenance of the proper safety distance between tables or groups of tables must be ensured so that Between clients of different groups there is at least 1.5 meters or, where appropriate, between clients located at the bar, if consumption at the bar is allowed. At level 1, consumption at a high table will be allowed without the need to be seated.
The closing time of these establishments will beat the latest at 3:30 , without admission of new clients or service from 3:00. The tables will have a limit of 8 people indoors and 10 people outdoors.

Free way to fill cinemas, theaters, auditoriums, festivals and circuses

From now on the capacity may be 100% “maintaining the greatest possible interpersonal distance as well as the rest of preventive measures” in cinemas, theaters, auditoriums, special establishments for festivals , tent circuses and similar spaces, as well as in open-air venues and in other premises and establishments intended for public acts and shows. This full reopeningis reflected in Article 33 after the modification of the Andalusian Government.
From May 9 of this year to the current date, alert level 1 only allowed up to 85% of the capacity in cinemas, theaters, auditoriums, festivals, circuses, and other establishments dedicated to leisure.

Relaxation in places of children’s leisure

At alert level 1 , the opening of establishments dedicated to children’s leisure will be conditioned to the celebration of children’s parties in which the capacity of the establishment will be 100% in open-air spaces ; and 75% in closed spaces , with a maximum of 25 participantss per group, allowing the permanence of two groups of users simultaneously, as long as they do not coincide in the same game space of the establishment.
At alert level 2, the opening will be conditioned to the celebration of children’s parties in which the capacity of the establishment will be 60% in open-air spaces and 50% in closed spaces, with a maximum of 20 participants per group. , not allowing to complete the group with individual participants outside the group. The use of sandboxes or foam pools will not be allowed.

Universities: maximum face-to-face attendancePublic and private universities

they will be able to carry out their full activity in person. In any case, the adoption of the organizational and preventive measures indicated by the health authority must be ensured. In this sense, the recommendations for this 2021/2022 academic year

have been updated, in accordance with the measures approved by the National Public Health Commission, with the aim of maintaining themaximum presence of students , while the epidemiological situation allows it. outdoor sports practice
The new order establishes a 100% capacity for physical-sports practice in conventional outdoor sports spaces and facilities

, and 75% in conventional or non-conventional indoor sports spaces and facilities.
The time limit for the development of the aforementioned sports activities and events, including in said schedule any other activity that is developed as a support or complement, will be 01:00; except for matches in officially recognized professional and national competitions , and international matches organized by FIFA, UEFA, FIBA ​​or FIBA ​​Europe, whose time limit will be 02:00.

Gaming and betting venues: Up to 10 people

Article 27of the Andalusian regulation allows, after its publication in the BOJA, that the establishments dedicated to the games and bets admit new clients in the restoration services until 1:00 , although the closing is maintained at 2:00.
Likewise, in establishments where gaming and betting activities are carried out, the maximum occupancy per table or group of tables will be at alert levels 1 and 2 of a maximum of 8 people indoors (previously it was six) and 10 indoors. outside (before it was eight).

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