The hypothesis of a work agreement for the three-year period 2019-2021 has been signed, relating to the approximately 430,000 employees of the State Police, the Penitentiary Police, the Carabinieri, the Finance Police and the Armed Forces
The employment contract for the three-year period 2019-2021 of the Defense sector nearing the deadline.
On 23 December, the ministers for the public administration, the interior, justice, defense and the economy signed the hypothesis of a 2019-2021 working agreement for the 430 thousand employees of the State Police, the Penitentiary Police, the Arma of the Carabinieri, the Guardia di Finanza and the Armed Forces.
The agreement was signed by all the military representation bodies and by all the trade union organizations representing the civilian police forces.
“We have achieved an important result for the personnel of the defense and security sector and which does not preclude further initiatives to protect the women and men of the Armed Forces and Police Forces. A provision that responds to the right demands of those who, every day, work for the institutions, for the citizens ”commented the Minister of Defense, Lorenzo Guerini.
The procedural process that will lead to the implementation of the agreement signed yesterday in a decree of the President of the Republic is now starting.
The agreement recognizes economic increases of approximately 128 gross average euros (including ancillary fees), with an increase of 4.26% in the 2018 average salary. Looking only at the salary in the table, the increase is around 100 euros per month. FORESEEN ACCESSORY INSTITUTES
The agreement establishes various indemnities aimed at recognizing the specific activities carried out by each individual body and force.
In fact, the establishment of special ancillary institutions for territorial control (State Police and Carabinieri Arma), for the service carried out at the individual penal institutions (Penitentiary Police), for the tax inspection activity for the contrast to tax evasion (Guardia di Finanza), as well as a series of operational indemnities for the specific activities of the Armed Forces, carried out both on the national territory and during missions abroad. SPECIFIC INDEMNITY FOR PERSONNEL IN THE CYBER SECTOR
In addition, a specific indemnity has been established to compensate for the jobs and functions of the personnel in the cyber sector, who face cyber attacks on the country’s strategic infrastructures. MORE RESOURCES FOR NEGOTIATION AND CONCERTATION
Additional resources have been provided to finance the negotiation and consultation at the level of each individual administration for the efficiency of institutional services. INTRODUCED REGULATORY INSTITUTES OF SOCIAL THICKNESS
Finally, the agreement introduces regulatory institutions of particular social depth on the protection of parenthood, solidarity leave, which provides in particular for the transfer of holidays to assist minor children with the need for constant care and assistance, as well as the protection of the employee included in the protection courses relating to gender-based violence. THE SATISFACTION OF THE MINISTER OF PA BRUNETTA
“I express great satisfaction with the signing of the agreement which comes after a tight negotiation, which began last May” underlines the Minister for Public Administration, Renato Brunetta.
“It was necessary to recognize the role and functions – with the concept of” specificity “that I introduced years ago – of the personnel most directly involved in the functions of protection of legality, defense and security of the country, at the forefront during these two years of pandemic ”added the minister. THE NOTE FROM THE SIULP AND SIAP TRADE UNIONS
Satisfaction also on the part of the trade unions which re-launch the need for further measures.
“The contractual results are accompanied by the measures contained in the economic maneuver under discussion in Parliament”, reads the joint note by Siulp and Siap, taken from infodifesa. “Among the most important and necessary, […], we note the fund for the new hires of the police force, the legal protection and civil liability for policemen and the elimination of some social security inequalities”.