The most loyal users of Mercadona will have raised their hands to their heads when they verified that the classic air freshener characteristic of this supermarket chain has disappeared. Indeed, the classic plastic bucket with wands that combined so well with the furniture in the house is gone. What has happened

The answer lies in an improvement that Mercadora wanted to make to its line of air fresheners. In a company statement, they assure that this change has come from the long collaboration of their clients , “with whom they have held more than 80 co-innovation sessions to find out their tastes and modes of use.”
The results of this mutual aid have led to theimprovement of the models of air fresheners that are so consumed.

What are the improvements of the new air fresheners

In the first place, Mercadora has wanted to make special mention in its statement in the duration of the fragrance that, with respect to the previous air fresheners, this is longer.
In addition, the original design was completely plastic buckets, something not recommended for the care of the environment. The directors of the supermarket chain have made the mistake and, to correct it, they have reduced the amount of plastic by this new model. So, now, the air freshener has a physical presentation that is made up mostly of glass (from where you can see the liquid that is still left) and plastic.
Finally, Mercadora offers four different types of fragrances: Raspberry , Bambu , Jasmine and, as the latest novelty, Tropical Fruit . In the chain’s message they emphasize that all of them are made by the Totaler Supplier Francisco Aragon in Molina de Segura (Murcia Region).

Value for money

Since 1993, Mercadona implemented the SPB strategy (Always Low Prices). This incorporation was motivated by the observation and verification carried out by the company in which they deduced that the products that sold the most were those that had great quality at the best price. Added to this analysis was the verification that those products whose price did not vary constantly also had a high purchase index.
“During all these years, the company has not stopped betting on quality , which is one of the main challenges that all the departments of the chain face on a daily basis and whose promotion represents a clear opportunity to continue offering to ” The Boss “(customer) products, one by one, differentials”, explains Mercadona in its statement.
The strategy of this chain is to promote conscious and critical consumption. How
Guided by social and environmental criteria and guaranteed products of the highest quality with the least possible impact.

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