Dreaming of nails, as a general symbol of dreams, is associated with hard and poorly paid work.
Either you are doing work that requires a lot of physical labor, such as construction or factory work, or you will soon get into a position that requires you to lift heavy objects or stand for a long time. Dreaming of breaking
nails Deliberately breaking your nails means that you choose the path of temptation and difficult achievements on your own. A clipped toenail can be a warning that you need to be more careful about your health. Dreaming of cutting nails
According to dream books, cutting nails can symbolize many accumulated tasks that you need to do in a short period of time. Such a dream can also mean that a person cares too much about her image and reputation.
If you cut someone’s nails, this dream means that you will have to work hard to provide for your family.
If you have seen another person cut their nails in a dream, it means that you have to accept that you cannot influence the current circumstances. You have to face your inability to influence current things and try to benefit from it or learn from it.
Cutting your nails in your sleep can mean that you are trying very hard to resolve your feelings and thoughts.
Cutting nails is a symbol of forced movements. This can mean a change of city or even country or an unwanted change of job.
Trimming your toenails symbolizes very hard work for a minimal payment. If someone else cuts your toenails, it means you will find someone who will agree to do a chore.
Cutting nails for babies in their sleep means that you will soon be busy with housework.
Such a dream can also mean that the dreamer’s excessive meticulousness interferes with the natural development of the child, which could harm him in the future.
The most common interpretation of a nail dream is that you will have to work hard and put in a lot of effort to get what you want. If you have had short nails in your sleep, you should be prepared for melancholy and a bad mood.
Long nails in a dream can be a warning that quarrels and open conflicts should be avoided in the near future. Dreams about nails on nails have a similar interpretation to that on fingers.
Long nails in a dream symbolize long-term work commitments that will bring a significant income, but physically (or morally) it will be very difficult. Dreaming of broken nails
The condition of the nails also plays an important role in the interpretation of dreams. Broken nails mean you shouldn’t take a job that you won’t be able to take.
You can lose not only the payment, but also the respect of others. Broken and neglected nails from dream books are interpreted as an unfavorable position of the family.
Also, such a dream can lead to shame for your cousin, whose behavior will be discussed at length behind your back. Dreaming of another person’s broken nails
If you have seen another person’s broken nail in a dream, it is a sign of temporary difficulties in communication.
If you have seen your nails break, it is considered a good sign: achieve great success in your work through your hard work, patience and endurance. Dreaming of falling nails.If
your nail has fallen out in a dream, this dream means that you will soon get rid of relationships that have long lost their meaning and will only bring you additional problems. Dreaming of dirty
nails Dirty nails in a dream warn the dreamer that he should be careful and not talk too much with his closest friends, because all information can be used against a dreamer. This conspiracy can mean the loss of a good name and reputation. Sick nails
Sick nails seen in a dream warn the dreamer about the illness of someone from his family. The same dream can also symbolize negative emotions and quarrels in the family.
If another person’s nail has been removed, it’s a sign that you should pay attention to your family. Dreaming of biting your nails Gnawing your
nails in your sleep promises disappointment in the person who has aroused your sympathy. You should not indulge in the charm of this person, because otherwise you will regret it. Dreaming of looking at someone else’s nails
A dream in which you paid attention to the nails of others means envy for people you barely know. Dreaming of shaking hands with peeled nails
Shaking hands, with peeling on the nails, cause concern. This dream can mean the appearance of a rival for a woman. The dream predicts business problems for men due to secret competitors. Dreaming of polishing nails.This
dream is a good sign that symbolizes the prosperity and well-being of a person.
Also, the dream of polishing nails can be interpreted as an unconscious desire of a dreamer to enter the highest company and enjoy a good life.
The dream of polishing the nails can also remind us that matter is not the only sphere of life; it is important to develop your spiritual sides as well. Dream of red nails
Polished nails and their color influence the interpretation of dreams. If a young woman wore red nail polish in her sleep, she can expect a temptation of passion and erotic desire.
If the plot was seen by a married woman, it represents a struggle with temptation.
Red nails and well-groomed hands in a dream indicate reconciliation with family and friends, as well as good relations with a related relative. Dreaming of buying nail polish
Buying nail polish in your sleep foresees a great event, to which you will be invited.
In addition, such a plot can indicate extramon waste and unexpected expenses, which will almost completely empty your wallet. To dream of a manicure for nails
Doing a manicure in your sleep, cutting your nails and removing dirt under your nails, according to dream books, means readiness and desire to devote time to your family and reconcile with your wife.
If a young girl cleaned her nails, it means that she will be able to get rid of the slander spread by the bad guys. To
dream about false nails False nails dream means that all your efforts will be appreciated. False nails are also a symbol of unnatural and pretentious. Dream of beautiful nails
Beautiful nails and well-groomed hands are symbols of love and peace in the family. Seeing such a dream, a young woman can expect a marriage proposal; As for married women, this is a sign that allows you to rest and relax while traveling with your wife. Dream about long nails.Long
nails seen in a dream symbolize earnings. Too long nails seen in a dream predict a catastrophic financial situation, and true and close friends will help you get out of it.
Long nails also provide obstacles and trials that you will have to overcome on your own.
Very long nails are a sign of cowardice and cruelty of dreamers, the dream book of the 21st century. If you cut them, you should be ready for quarrels and misunderstandings.
According to the lunar dream book, long nails in a dream mean deceived hopes; short: a run that will result in a poorly done job. Dirty nails mean that you don’t trust your partner and that they will have conflicts in the family. Dreaming of black nails
The black nails seen in a dream represent the dreamer’s negative thoughts. If you don’t get rid of bad thoughts, it can cause a bad feeling or depression. Dreaming that someone scratches you with their nails
If you have seen someone scratch you with their nails during a dream, it is often interpreted as a negative sign.
This means that you or any of your close relatives could soon be in a serious accident. In many cases, this symbol is specifically associated with the disease. Dreaming of claws instead of nails
Dreaming of looking into one’s hands and seeing claws instead of nails should be considered a warning that the end does not justify the means, especially in the direction of goals that may be inappropriate or immoral.
If you are considering participating in some actions that would normally be reckless, you may want to reconsider your plans. You can be humiliated and embarrassed if you get caught. White spots on the nails
Seeing white spots on the nails is usually considered a random symbol in the realm of night visions. Indicates happiness and prosperity, usually in the form of wealth and financial security. Dreaming of taking care of your nails
Taking care of your nails while you sleep, such as cleaning, cutting or polishing, can be interpreted as a sign that you will soon receive a job offer.
While the salary may not be what you were hoping for, the noble opportunity that you serve the resulting special jobs would make up for more than a sub-star salary. Dreaming of particularly long or short
nails. Particularly long or short nails take on special meanings in dreams.
Fingernails that look particularly long, whether they’re fake or not, predict an accident for the plans you currently have. You won’t be able to get what you wanted if you don’t take extreme measures soon.
Very short nails reveal a tendency to behave rudely or “jump” to conclusions, which jeopardizes your understanding of situations and makes it difficult to make rational and informed decisions. Dreaming of a manicure for nails
If you dreamed of a manicure for nails in a dream, it is a symbol associated with happiness and success.
You will soon realize that your current plans and actions are more profitable or easier than you initially expected. This applies to both business ventures and personal matters. Dreaming of torn nails
If you have seen someone else’s nails have been torn or that you yourself experience their tearing as a form of torture in your dream, and an evil message that heralds great hardships and trials.
You may soon be forced to face difficult and humiliating circumstances in order to survive.
This symbol therefore suggests that you pay attention to your surroundings and seek opportunities to reverse the situation as soon as possible. Dreaming that someone cleans their nails
Seeing someone cleaning their nails while they sleep could be a manifestation of your problem with this person in reality.
You are probably subconsciously looking for flaws in this man or woman’s appearance, personality or lifestyle, when you actually want to be like them yourself and have some of those traits.
This vision can be a warning to focus more on what you can achieve, rather than wasting time on what is unattainable. Dreaming of not having nails
The loss or inability to see your nails in a dream vision should be considered a warning to reconsider the way you treat your loved ones in reality.
You may not give them, especially your romantic partner, the respect or understanding and love they deserve.
The way you treat them now could jeopardize their loyalty to you and they can leave you without warning if you continue to ignore their wants and needs.
For entrepreneurs and those who own their own business, this symbol has an additional meaning. It can be interpreted as a sign of losing money and eventual bankruptcy. Dreaming that you don’t like the look of your nails
In the context of a dream vision, dissatisfaction with the look of your nails is often considered a sign that you need to spend a little more time and money on self-help. .
You may need to improve your health with better food and proper exercise, or you may have to give up some unhealthy habits, such as smoking or taking drugs. Dreaming of artificial nails
This time someone close to you needs your help. This person needs something that only you can offer, be it advice, financial help or whatever.
That person needs you, but that person has nothing to repay, perhaps not even repaying the loan you gave. Consider if you can offer help, realizing that what you give is as money, it will never come back .. Dreaming that your nails grow
Dreaming that your nails are growing means that you will solve the problems with your spouse and that you will never have the same problems again.
If your nails suddenly grow, you will be a person who will be listened to among friends or spouses and people will believe your decisions. Dreaming of biting your nails
If you bite your nails in your sleep, it means that you will eat practical food, spending part of your savings on fun and entertainment.
This dream also tells you that you will have bad habits. If you see a person biting their nails in a dream, that person has bad habits. Dreaming of nail scissors
Seeing nail scissors in a dream can mean that you will take the law into your own hands. There are many people who model you and influence your happiness.

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