In various systems of religious beliefs and concepts, elephants are believed to be associated with the spiritual and divine realms and gods. In several traditions, elephants are attributed special spiritual powers and energies.
This animal is usually associated with gods, great spiritual leaders and in general with all important personalities who have something to do with spirituality, power and wisdom.
Elephants are generally a positive symbol.
Elephant motifs are commonly used for the purpose of happiness, providing well-being in every possible sense, including but not limited to physical health, serenity, longevity and material stability. In any case, the elephant is one of the most positive symbols on earth.
In societies that did not have close contact with these impressive peaceful giants, elephants were considered to be fascinating and exotic creatures. However, we are all fascinated by their grand looks and serene natures.
Today we know a lot about elephant behavior. Among the most important things we know about them is the fact that animals express certain behaviors that, as human beings, are very close to us.
For example, elephants are believed to mourn their dead, they care a lot about family members, just like people. This makes the elephant symbolism even more positive and appreciated.
The elephant represents the personification of the idea of ​​happiness, joy, abundance, prosperity and wealth. The Hindu god Ganesh is represented in the form of a man with the head of an elephant. Ganesha is a positive deity believed to provide wealth and prosperity in life.
In addition to being associated with such a revered and beloved deity, elephants are a common motif in the Hindu tradition. Elephant figurines are believed to provide wealth and bring happiness and wealth to human homes.
In many Eastern cultures, elephants have a special place and are always associated with positive energy. Elephant motifs are present all over the world today. These beautiful animals represent the qualities and values ​​we would like to have.
It is worth noting that most of the symbolic meanings of elephants actually refer to the Asian elephant, which is calmer by nature than its larger African cousin.
The African elephant is a larger, wilder, stronger animal and therefore associated with strength, leadership and perseverance. Dreaming of elephants
What does it mean to dream of an elephant
This impressive animal is not such a common dream motif, but it inspires great ideas after it appears in your dreams.
An elephant in a dream represents longevity, good luck, abundance, wealth, wisdom and patience. Elephants are usually associated with ideas of wisdom, knowledge and memory.
It is common to say that a person “remembers like an elephant”, which means that he does not forget things easily.
Also, the elephant in a dream represents fame, dominion, loyalty, honor, power, strength and intelligence. In general, it is believed that it is good to have dreams related to elephants.
Of course, the interpretation of a particular dream depends on other details about the dream. Overall, these dreams are positive. Try to remember, like an elephant, all the details of your elephant dream.
We will now try to present and understand some of the more common variations of such dreams. Dreaming of seeing an elephant
Dreams of seeing an elephant are positive dreams that could be interpreted as happy signs for the future.
Seeing an elephant in a dream means that you will be lucky in your near future, especially in a material sense. This dream also means that you will be healthy, vital and full of strength.
On the other hand, dreams of seeing an elephant might be a reminder of patience. You have to slow down and think carefully about your future plans.
No need to hurry, the elephant reminds you. To achieve your goals, you should be calm, alert, and wise. Seeing an elephant in a dream can also be a reflection of your own character.
It happens that intelligent and introverted people dream of seeing an elephant. In the dream, this peaceful giant represents your personality; the ability to be at peace with oneself, to have a great view of one’s thoughts.
The elephant in the dream represents an introverted profile, in its most positive form, which means that the dreamer knows what he wants in life, has a good feeling with himself and has excellent self-esteem. Dreaming of a white elephant
The dreams of a white elephant are extremely rare energies and, therefore, incredibly powerful. The white elephant is something very precious and real.
This dream means that you will have great opportunities in life, associated with high social positions.
This dream indicates that you will most likely be dealing with people of great charisma and influence and will settle among those people.
This means your hard work will be rewarded. The white elephant represents happiness, well-being and vitality. This dream means that you are feeling or will feel very healthy, vital, strong and courageous. Dream about feeding an elephant
If you dream about feeding an elephant, it means that you will most likely get some money in the near future. Dreams of friendly animals always bring happiness.
If you feed an elephant in a dream, it probably means that soon you will be involved in new business opportunities, new collaborations and projects that will surely bring you an additional offer of money.
In general, dreams of feeding an animal are closely related to the living area of ​​a career and are always considered a good sign when it comes to finances. Dreaming of riding an elephant
Dreams of riding an elephant are another variant of extremely positive dreams related to animals. This dream indicates that you control your life.
This means that you are a person who is able to control your emotions, actions and behaviors.
Many times we feel like we are losing control; the dream of riding an elephant reminds us that we are true masters of our destiny.
If you have some projects going on in your waking life, this dream means that they will be successful.
Even if you find it difficult to work with, they will definitely pay off. Riding an elephant in a dream means that you have a lot of energy and motivation in life.
This dream means that you are determined not to let anyone else control or manipulate you, even if you are not yet aware of your strength and power. Dreaming of running away from an elephant
Dreams of chasing an elephant might seem scary, because this animal is very big and strong.
If you run away from an elephant and feel extremely scared, this dream indicates that there are things from your past that haunt you.
Try to avoid confronting them and try to escape unresolved issues. This dream should encourage you to stand on your feet and finally face these things.
These dreams are most likely related to something you have said or done on your own and you feel guilty about it, but it is difficult to admit it to yourself and apologize.
On the other hand, dreams of chasing such a large animal may reflect your feeling of being tired and exhausted from the burdens and responsibilities of life.
You are too stuck. You’ve probably targeted an area of ​​life, most likely your job, so you’ve forgotten to relax and enjoy your free time.
You have lost interest in the things you love and just feel tired.
Dreams of an elephant chasing you mean that you are constantly haunted by responsibilities and duties, because you cannot face them at the same time. Relax and try to solve them. Dreaming of an elephant in the zoo
If you dream of a stuck elephant, it means that something unfair will happen to you in the near future. You will be unfairly accused of something you did not do.
You keep trying to prove you’re right, but others just don’t listen. This dream means that you have been manipulated or that you are not allowed to speak out loud.
You feel very frustrated and like you are in a cage. This dream means that you have to be patient and wait for the right time to act. Dreaming of elephant tusks
The tusk of an elephant in dreams represents lust, sexuality and masculine strength. Dreams in which elephant tusks appear may be a reflection of your (sexual) desire for someone.
If you have these dreams, it means that you are obsessed with another person, most likely the one who seems unavailable or reserved.
The elephant tusk dream is a channel for your mind to somehow release this frustration because you cannot actually have that person physically and emotionally.
On the other hand, this dream may simply reflect your sexual desire for a partner. Dreaming of ivory
Dreams of objects made of ivory are happy dreams. Just as in reality ivory is considered a rare and precious material, of great value, the objects made with it in dreams represent luxury, wealth and abundance.
Ivory is always associated with life with fashion, style and elegance. If you dream of ivory, it is a positive sign.
Besides being associated with material success, money and wealth, ivory also symbolizes perfection, refinement and care.
This dream reflects your sense of aesthetics, your ability to see beauty in life. However, it may also reflect your greed and obsession with money and luxury.