Unfortunately, bat dreams can be strong signs of negative energy. But this symbolism is very undeserved and is not necessarily accurate when you see bats in a dream.
Bats are intelligent, beloved, and wonderful animals that have earned a bad reputation due to silly superstitions and Hollywood.
However, bats are associated with tales of vampires and other demonic entities. Therefore, bats symbolize the existence of internal ambiguity (mental, emotional and spiritual). Dream of a bat
Now let’s talk about bat dreams. We have already seen that the depictions of bats vary and that, just like many other “dark” and somewhat repugnant animals, bats have a double symbolic nature.
While people generally don’t like bats like kittens and puppies, there are still those who find them charming, surprising, even cute.
The interpretations of dreams about bats partly depend on your ideas about bats. Although dreams about bats may seem scary and uncomfortable, they are not always bad omens – quite the opposite.
If you often dream of bats, you may start thinking more about your future. Bats in a dream can represent vital changes and new beginnings, as they are associated with concepts of transformation and life stages.
Bats in a dream could announce and signal changes in your real life. If you often see bats in a dream, it could mean that you will soon enter a new chapter in your life. Some things you are used to you have to let go of in order to progress.
New beginnings are always a little uncomfortable, no matter how good and positive they were, and you may feel unprepared or unwilling to change the patterns of your current situation.
However, if the bats keep coming back in your dreams, it means that changes are inevitable and will likely happen very soon.
This interpretation means dreams in which you only see bats, with no interaction with these creatures. You might see them flying, hanging or something. Dreaming that a bat is attacking
you If you dream that bats are attacking or biting you, this can obviously be a bad sign.
Such dreams may be a reflection of your waking life situation, even if you are not aware of it and if in reality you do not actually feel threatened.
There may be people in your life who want your happiness or who want to harm you. You should open your eyes and look for signs of betrayal and danger.
Do not overdo it; such a dream is a warning sign and it comes to prepare you in recent time.
If you have been hit by bats in your sleep, it means that someone or something is running out of energy. You may be surrounded by toxic people, so you have such a dream that you would be aware of it.
You may feel exhausted and tired all the time and still don’t know where it comes from. At worst, bat bite dreams could suggest that you are sick, so it would be a good idea to control yourself. Dreaming of a white bat
In some interpretations, the dreams of white bats are especially negative. It is believed that if a white bat appears in a dream, a member of your family or another loved one will have to face big problems, get sick or even die.
However, the interpretations may vary depending on your personal experience in such a dream.
Seeing a white bat is something rare and quite unique, even in dreams and illusions. If you are feeling good about this dream, it could turn out to be a particularly positive sign.
Since bats are associated with the concepts of communication, connection, more refined senses and inner depth, dreams of a white bat may suggest that you will soon receive good news or that someone from your past will want to hear it from you.
Perhaps you have unresolved relationships that you must finally end, or a white bat can represent the soul of a loved one who has passed away.
If this is the case, it could mean that this person comes to you from the afterlife to protect and guide you.
If you feel uncomfortable with white bat dreams, look for warning signs in your real life and try to prevent bad things from happening. Dreaming of killing a bat
If you dream that you are killing a bat, it could mean that you are not satisfied with the current life situation or with yourself.
You have traits and habits that you would like to change, but somehow you still behave the same way.
You feel frustrated that such a pattern of thinking and doing prevents you from developing and progressing in life. Such a dream illustrates that frustration and ultimately helps you figure out how to overcome it.
On the other hand, this dream may suggest that you have enemies around you and that you are aware of them, but cannot yet find a way to overcome them.
You feel threatened and helpless. Try to calm down and don’t let fear and anger overwhelm your thoughts.
Killing a bat in your sleep may reflect your willingness to end toxic relationships in real life and start new ones (for example, to change jobs, end a romantic relationship, etc.) What does it mean to dream of a bat and its symbolism
. Western folk tales bats have always been presented as “wings of darkness”, in some other cultures they were worshiped and respected. In May folklore and mythology, bats were considered divine creatures.
Although they were also associated with the concepts of darkness and the world of the dead, they also believed in bringing happiness.
The fact is that the ancient Maya considered death an inevitable part of life. Westerners do the same, of course, but they generally think about it more fearfully.
In Maya culture, the connections of bats with death and the underworld make these beings symbols of transformation, change, life cycles, purpose and infinity of all existence.
The Maya believed that bats possessed special spiritual powers.
To them, bats were messengers from the realm of the dead, but not necessarily in a bad way, although they have quite frightening and cruel legends and myths about bats.
In Maya culture, bats rule the realm of darkness, the underworld of Xibalba, and are presented as merciless beings like God.
There is no homogeneous bat symbolism throughout the world. In addition to the negative depictions in the lore of most Westerners, bats also symbolize rebirth, communication, new beginnings and opportunities.
We associate these beings with darkness simply because they are nocturnal creatures.
The bats we meet in our neighborhood, in urban areas, are none of those messengers of death we think of, in reality they are useful and well-meaning animals that clear our air of insects that bite us.
Now the brighter side of the bat symbolism. Did you know that the Chinese really like bats and appreciate these animals
In the Chinese tradition, bats are seen as a wealth, a happy animal. It is interesting to note that the Chinese term fu, which means “bat”, is actually the same word they use for “happiness”.
The Chinese have a special belief in vuf or “five bats” which is equivalent to their concept of “five blessings” which includes love, health, longevity, wealth and peaceful death.

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