Do you want to know what the leopard eats? In this article you will get what their hunting and feeding techniques are, do not miss this amazing information and share it with your loved ones.
Leopard feed and/or diet
This animal is classified within the carnivores like the Bengal Tiger and eats various species that inhabit the same environment as it, but its diet is considered to be broader than that of others found within the Phantera species , It does not prefer any other animal to feed on, to differentiate itself from other felines, it eats both arthropods and large antelopes.
Within the leopard’s diet , the most continuous are: impalas, Thomson’s gazelles, deer, antelopes, primates among which chimpanzees and gorillas can be mentioned, pigs are also to their liking.
When it hunts smaller animals it prefers rodents, fish, reptiles, birds and arthropods, among which dung beetles can be mentioned.
It also eats mammals such as jackals, foxes, martens and other small ones.
If it is located in sub-Saharan Africa, the prey that this animal can consume reaches the amount of 90, in addition to the fact that they are mostly medium-sized animals.
This animal lives in a fairly wide area, so its diet is adjusted to where it lives.
Leopards live in the Tsavo National Park and they eat ungulates that have a minimum weight of twenty kilograms. In addition to these, younger females prefer smaller mammals.
In the Asian continent where this wonderful animal can also be found, they prefer to eat the muntiaco together with the chital, this being their main food on that side of the world, adapting to the place where they live, nor do they leave aside the mountain goats.
In Thailand they also consume muntjac but they add to the wild boar.
This imposing animal is not afraid of the size of its prey, its hunting skills are amazing, as will be seen in the next segment, a clear example of size and weight is the eland antelope, which can weigh up to three hundred kilograms at least but there are even one thousand kilos, this being one of their most surprising prey.
Giraffes do not escape their claws either, being animals that generally weigh more than leopards, from the youngest to the already adult.
Therefore, this animal does not miss any opportunity to feed, which has allowed them to live for so many years.
Techniques for your hunt
It has already been possible to perceive that this is a super skilled animal when it comes to feeding, its speed and stealth are qualities that have led it to be a front-line predator.
This way of feeding the leopard is usually one of its most fascinating characteristics and studied by;area=forumprofile;u=731178 experts, which never ceases to attract the attention of everyone who has the opportunity to witness such a magnificent act.
As for its hunting schedule , it usually attacks at night, taking advantage of opportunities in which the other species are unprepared, asleep or resting, it observes the herds, stealthily approaches and chases to capture any of the members. .
His greatest ability is not usually his speed, so he very rarely attacks through this route, on the contrary, he seeks to ambush his future prey, seeking that he has no opportunity to attack and thus achieve success quickly.
This animal has a coat that allows it to be camouflaged between branches and plants of various types, since it has spots all over its body, it also uses its hearing once it observes its prey, it listens to everything around it, capturing the right moment without stopping see your target as your vision is one of your most powerful senses.
It also has the ability to be stealthy , so silent that its future prey even has time to react when it attacks, jumping over the animal to capture and bite its neck until it is lifeless, bleeding its prey to death, although it seeks that that animal die as fast as possible.
There are times when the victim manages to escape, so he resorts to chasing him, sometimes reaching a maximum of sixty kilometers per hour.
When it gets its prey to die, it continues to drag it to a place where it can eat it in complete peace of mind, where it can take refuge and be safe from other predators and where preferably there are no hyenas.
His abilities do not stop there, but he has great ability and strength to climb a tree and not only that, but he does it with the prey, because that is one of the places where he feels safest to feed. , regardless of the weight of the corpse, he climbs with it on the slope.
There are occasions when it can eat what it captures at once, but there are others in which it prefers to leave the remains to come for them later, even having remains it can continue hunting, but it usually does so every three days, regardless of whether it has young or not.