
  • Why nocturnal ejaculations occur
  • When nocturnal ejaculations occur
  • You also have problems with nocturnal ejaculations
  • Why ejaculations occur during sleep
  • Absence / presence of pollutions: what it can mean
  • Uro-Andrologist Dr. Francesco De Luca: professionalism by your side
  • Choose the professionalism of Dr. Francesco De Luca on difficulties or problems relating to nocturnal ejaculation

Why nocturnal ejaculations occur Nocturnal
ejaculations are a completely normal physiological phenomenon that affects almost all men. In the medical field we
speak more specifically of ” pollution ” because, unlike ejaculation, the release of seminal fluid is involuntary and uncontrolled,
mainly due to reflux. This phenomenon occurs mostly at night, in sleep: for this reason the term nocturnal ejaculations is often used. The main feature is that they are not the consequence of physical sexual stimulation and do not reflect any pathological significance. When nocturnal ejaculations occur
Pollutions during sleep occur during the REM phase and most frequently affect adolescents who have just discovered sexuality. Very often, ejaculations at night are linked to dreams with an erotic content, which is why we speak of “wet dreams”. This phenomenon, the frequency of which decreases with advancing age, is completely uncontrolled and occurs when man is not conscious. It is not necessarily a rubbing or genital stimulation that triggers the release of seminal fluid. However, according to many, the sensations experienced are the same as those of masturbation and orgasm.
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You also have nocturnal ejaculation problems
Talk to an andrologist it could be much simpler than you think. Contact Dr. Francesco De Luca, also via Whatsapp and request an appointment immediately.

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Come mai si verificano le eiaculazioni proprio durante il sonno
Several hypotheses are formulated to explain the phenomenon of nocturnal ejaculations. For some the nocturnal pollutions coincide with the period of puberty, as if they were a physiological passage in the sexual maturation of the boy. Pollution would therefore demonstrate sexual maturity, but it is good to specify that not all boys have nocturnal ejaculations .
When pollutions affect adults , they can be understood as a physiological response of the organism to a prolonged period of sexual abstinence. The lack of ejaculations for too long would therefore be the triggering cause of the phenomenon. It follows that nocturnal pollutions are rarer in subjects who have an active sex life. Absence / presence of pollutions: what it can mean
There are no statistics that indicate how often erections can occur at night during a man’s life. The triggering cause is not yet clear, but it is believed that it may be attributable to the body’s need to maintain a certain level of sexual training or it could be the need to eliminate old sperm to produce new spermatozoa.
The phenomenon of nocturnal pollutions is completely natural, only rarely can it be linked to the presence of pathologies or inflammations such as urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis.
There are no remedies to resolve nocturnal erections, if they begin in adolescence they generally tend to decrease and disappear in adulthood. The only valid solution is to lead a satisfying sex life. [/ Vc_column_text] [/ vc_column] [/ vc_row]

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Uro-Andrologist Dr. Francesco De Luca : professionalism by your side
Make an appointment with Dr. Francesco De Luca for an andrological examination for nocturnal ejaculation problems . Choosing to rely on his skills means that you will have the certainty of quality services and highly professional medical advice. Choose the professionalism of Dr. Francesco De Luca on difficulties or problems relating to nocturnal ejaculation
Book now a consultation visit with the surgeon specialized in Uro-Andrology for all your types of ailments. For any information you may need, Dr. De Luca will be at your complete disposal. [/ Vc_column_text] [vc_btn title = ”Book an appointment” style = ”outline” color = ”primary” align = ”left” link = ”url: https% 3A % 2F% 2Fandrologiadeluca.it% 2Fcontatti% 2F ||| “] [/ vc_column]
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