
  • What the testicle swelling depends on and what it looks like
  • What are the most common causes
  • How to do self-examination to prevent testicle swelling
  • When to see a doctor for a diagnosis

What does testicle swelling depend on and how it looks?
Testicle swelling is one of the most evident symptoms of some more or less serious pathologies that should not be underestimated. Some swelling can be a sign of a serious medical condition. For this reason, it is advisable to carry out a regular self-examination , to identify in time any signs of a testicular tumor . However, most swellings in the testicles are not cancerous. What are the most common causes
Swelling of the testicle, the bumps in it, or in the surrounding areas of the skin can depend on several factors: from a collection of fluid, an infection, swelling of the skin or veins. Here are the most common causes :

  • Cyst: This is a sac filled with fluid, which may feel like a small, hard lump to the touch. Cysts can develop almost anywhere on the body and are usually harmless .
  • Varicocele : it is a pathology that affects the vascular system of the testicle. There is a dilation of the veins, which drain the blood from the testicle thus causing a reflux of blood that brings out only one vein. In some cases, it is necessary to proceed with varicocele surgery.
  • Hydrocele : This is a collection of fluid around a testicle, which can cause a swelling called a hydrocele. It usually occurs after an infection or injury in this area of ​​the body. Hydroceles are usually painless. The swelling may affect one or both testicles.
  • Testicular torsion: can occur when the cord connected to the testicles folds on itself, reducing the flow of blood. People with testicular torsion usually experience: sudden pain, nausea and swelling of the testicles .
  • Epididymitis : This is a condition that can lead to inflammation of the epididymis (the tube that is located behind each testicle and contains sperm). People with epididymitis may also experience pain, tenderness, and warmth on the skin around the testicles. Epididymitis can be associated with chlamydia , or sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Testicular cancer: A lump or swelling that usually forms on the front or side of a testicle, inside it or just under the skin. Many tumors do not cause any pain, but the testicle may increase in size or become more swollen. According to the American Cancer Society, testicular cancer is not common: only one in 263 men will get testicular cancer in their lifetime, and the risk of dying from it is about 1 in 5,000.

How to do self-examination to prevent testicle swelling Knowing your body and being aware of its every change can be an essential part of health management. Checking for any lump and swelling of the testicles and seeking medical help if necessary are simple precautions that facilitate prevention. It is advisable to proceed with the self- examination when you are relaxed and when the body is warm. Here are the steps to follow to complete a testicular self-exam:

  1. Stand in front of a mirror
  2. Observe if the testicles have any swelling of the skin
  3. Place the first two fingers of each hand under the testicle, with the thumbs on top of the testicle
  4. Move each testicle between your fingers and thumbs gently to check for swelling

Examining the testicles monthly from puberty can prevent some medical problems. When to See a Doctor for a Diagnosis
If you have swollen testicles , you should consult a specialist doctor to prevent the bump from getting bigger or changing shape. The doctor will need to: examine the patient’s testicles, do targeted tests to find out the nature of the swelling, if deemed appropriate, request an ultrasound.
Contact us for advice or to book your visit.

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