Cystitis is a very frequent and decidedly annoying inflammation of the lower urinary tract , which affects both men and women, especially if of childbearing age. Knowing how to promote the well-being of the urinary tract thanks to natural remedies and physical activity , is very useful, given the unbearable discomfort that follows: spasms, burning during urination, constant need to urinate. Finding a valid ally from nature to improve the well-being of the urinary tract is essential for carrying out the most common activities.

Goldenrod: the best ally from nature
In nature, among the most valid natural remedies forpromote the well-being of the urinary tract and the onset of discomfort related to cystitis , there is certainly the extract of goldenrod . What is it?
A 100% natural extract, characterized by a diuretic and astringent action , aimed at quickly eliminating the bacterial load through urination.
To benefit from the remarkable diuretic effect in fact, and the entire uro-genital system. Being an excellent blood purifier, goldenrod extract does nothing but increase the volume of urine and remove all waste present in the body. Among the further properties of the goldenrod extract, it is worth dwelling on its draining action , ideal for fighting skin imperfections due to cellulite and water retention in the best possible way . In order for its impact to be optimal, it is advisable to associate it with a diet based on foods of plant origin and a diet rich in liquids.

How to use the goldenrod extract for the well-being of the urinary tract
As regards the use of the goldenrod extract, it should be noted that the parts of the plant used are only and exclusively the leaves and the tops, whose flowering occurs mainly between the beginning of July and the end of October. Whether used in the form of an infusion , mother tincture , decoction , syrup or natural supplement , goldenrod extract is the most popular as a natural remedy to best prevent inflammation of the urinary tract .
Natural supplements based on goldenrod extract are certainly the most commonly used and effective remedy. The action of the extract associated with other natural ingredients, such as cranberry, bearberry and grapefruit , considerably increases the beneficial effects that favor the balance, purification and well-being of the urinary tract .

Other ingredients that promote the well-being of the urinary tract
Red fruits are particularly suitable for inflammation of the urinary tract , such as cystitis, thanks to their beneficial properties. Natural supplements based on cranberries and bearberry are able to eliminate bacteria by creating a protective barrier against infection and intimate irritation. In particular:

  • the cranberry , or cranberry, has diuretic and draining properties that favor the elimination of liquids and toxins contained in them;
  • grapefruit seed extract stimulates microcirculation by draining excess fluids and relieves symptoms of intimate infection;
  • bearberry is an excellent diuretic and offers considerable well-being to the organism and urinary tract.

The beneficial action of sporting activity for cystitis
Physical activity is generally positive for the well-being of our body , but when you suffer from cystitis it is good to play sports
. We try to clarify and answer any doubts. Regular physical activity helps you stay in shape, not only aesthetically, but also promotes mental and physical health , including that of the urinary tract . Sports activities that are not too intense and prolonged are generally recommended to keep the body, breath and blood circulation in perfect working order.
Speaking of gymnastics that can bring concrete benefits to those who often find themselves suffering from cystitis, there is one exercise in particular that offers considerable advantages as well as being able to be performed in the tranquility of one’s own home. The exercise is carried out in this way: you position yourself behind a chair, grabbing the backrest, keeping the spine erect and lower yourself by bending on the knees until the pelvis reaches the heels. A squat practically, but with a support to facilitate the exercise and maintain balance. This exercise facilitates intestinal peristalsis by limiting the proliferation of bacterial colonies which could then extend to the urinary tract.

Advice for the correct functioning of the urinary tract
To prevent worsening or the onset of urinary tract problems, there are some precautions during sport, such as maintaining proper hydration . This avoids a concentration of urine which could lead to infections and heartburn. Hydration is an excellent remedy against the accumulation of toxins in the urine which, in this way, are diluted and eliminated more often.
Foods also have their importance, of course, refined sugars in particular must be avoided as they favor bacterial proliferation. Chilli and spicy foods increase irritation and burning so it is better to avoid them especially in the acute phase. The state of health of the intestinal bacterial flora, which must be restored with, should not be underestimated eitherprobiotics to be introduced in the daily diet.
Another important point that should never be overlooked concerns hygiene, especially for those who practice water sports. In this case it is of fundamental importance to change wet clothes immediately. Keeping the wet tissue in contact with the private parts by lying down, perhaps on the sand, can lead to infections, inflammation and redness. The same attention should be paid to those who attend the gym. The garments used for sporting activities in fact, very often adhere to the body and are made of synthetic fabric which, with sweat, can cause irritation. Hygiene must be very careful especially in summer, in the hot months, sweat increases and the immune defenses decrease, and therefore it is important to change clothes often.

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