Venezuela is a land that craves happiness. Last week the new “Ministry of Supreme Social Happiness” was created and from this weekend there is one more reason to be happy: Venezuelan Maria Gabriela Isler was elected Miss Universe 2013. FEMALE PRIDE
“We must accept our fears to be stronger. The more we accept them, the more we will be better people ”. With these unoriginal words (but you know, originality is not one of the criteria evaluated in a beauty contest), the 25-year-old girl answered the jury’s question on Saturday: “What is her biggest fear and what would she do? to overcome it
“What pride! A Venezuelan Miss Venezuela has just won Miss Universe ”. This was Maduro’s first tweet, shortly after her victory was announced. The Net has unleashed against the error: “If you are Miss Venezuela it is obvious that you are Venezuelan. Well, he is president without being Venezuelan, so… ”. This was one of the comments that pointed the finger at the suspicions of the Colombian citizenship of the Venezuelan president. BETWEEN CRIME AND INFLATION
Inflation in the country exceeded 39% in the first six months of 2013 and crime counts more than 25,000 homicides this year, according to the latest report by the Venezuelan Observatory against violence. But the Venezuelan government’s strategy is to address the difficulties (which, according to Maduro, come from the “North American power”) with enthusiasm and joy. And Miss Venezuela. A SIMPLE GIRL Isler said she was “happy and proud” of being the seventh Venezuelan chosen as “the most beautiful in the Universe”: “I’m a simple girl. I came to have fun, to enjoy the moment and I’m here, ”she said in her in the first press conference since Miss Universe. On the other hand, the preparation was not simple: according to the Mexican online newspaper La Opcion, Venezuela is the country that invests most in the cosmetic surgeries of the participants. SURGICAL INTERVENTIONS
“The competition is so strong that some countries with a great tradition in these competitions exaggerate. Just look at the representative of this edition (Isler, ed) to realize the interventions she has done to improve her physical appearance ”, said Gustavo Gonzalez, surgeon of the Mexican Academy of Plastic Surgery. For the specialized sites and, the Venezuelan was the favorite because among the “accommodations” that would be made there are breasts, nose, knees and fingers. VENETIAN AESTHETICS
It is no coincidence that Venezuela is among the first countries with the highest index of aesthetic interventions (the first is the United States and the second is Brazil). According to the International Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, 2012 was a year with record figures: 256 thousand Venezuelans changed something about their body for aesthetic reasons. Happiness, when it comes to beauty, is priceless in Venezuela.
@rssmiranda Here are the photos of Isler wearing, the day after the award ceremony, the “Yamamay Million Dollar Swimsuit” (worth one million dollars) made by the Italian firm exclusively for the event.
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