Last week of June, with summer officially started, in which we find that Venus, the planet of love, entered fiery Leo on the 27th, and the fire signs -Aries, Leo, Sagittarius- will be the most seductive and passionate about the Cosmos.The Last Quarter of the Moon in Aries , on day 1, favors the arrival of changes and novelties in our lives . Will it be time to close doors and open new windows
How will the end of the month affect horoscope predictions
One more week, here are the keys to your weekly horoscope based on the position in the ranking of my dearest Esperanza Gracia. Discover what the stars have in store for you for the last week of June, with all the tools to attract good luck and be the luckiest zodiac sign.
1. Virgo weekly horoscope (June 28 to July 4)
You will be aware of your resources and capabilities, and that self-confidence will lead you to success. Even if a problem arises, your desire will be stronger and you will apply yourself with determination to your task so as not to leave any loose ends. Your positive attitude towards life will allow you to better relate to others and connect with the people you love.
2. Pisces weekly horoscope (June 28 to July 4)
You end the month of June with the protection of the Moon in your sign, on the 28th, 29th, 30th, and your wishes can come true. The professional initiatives you take can give good results and have a positive effect on your economy. You will feel brave and you will dare to do things that once cost you because of shyness or insecurity.
3. Cancer weekly horoscope (June 28 to July 4)
Congratulations. The Sun in your sign transmits energy and enthusiasm, and you will feel capable of everything because you know that the Cosmos protects you. Encourage your contacts and relationships because they can be a great support for your interests. In love, you have wonderful days ahead in which some dream that you had left on the road can come true.
4. Aries Weekly Horoscope (June 28-July 4)
You are so fiery and impulsive that foresight and control don’t fit much into your life, but the energy of the Last Quarter in your sign on the 1st encourages you to reflect and dose your energies so you don’t get lost and achieve your goals. Your projects can take the course you want, you just have to fully trust yourself.
5. Gemini Weekly Horoscope (June 28 to July 4)
With how sociable and talkative you are, you will really want to go out and enjoy life, and you have very favorable days ahead for relationships and friendships. Mercury in your sign makes you very communicative, and you will connect very well with people. You can get good results in exams and job interviews.
6. Scorpio weekly horoscope (June 28 to July 4)
Unexpected news can bring you interesting opportunities. Do not be afraid of changes, because you know that you have an overwhelming force and the results are going to be very positive, even if you feel a little dizzy at first. It is a very favorable time for relationships and communication with others, even to find a love that excites you.
7. Capricorn weekly horoscope (June 28 to July 4)
You will feel confident and optimistic, and you will face everything with a positive mood that will help you catch and value the small details of life. Some novelty can help you to be happy and with renewed illusions. You will have to show yourself flexible and understanding with a person in your environment who is not going through his best moment.
8. Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope (June 28 to July 4)
With Mars well aspected, you will have the initiative and the strength that you need to continue fighting and not give way to discouragement, but you must keep that impulsiveness at bay that can lead you to make hasty decisions. You should stop a bit and consolidate what you have already achieved. You will reach the hearts of people and magic can arise at any time.
9. Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius (June 28 to July 4)
Be cautious and don’t confide your plans to anyone because, far from supporting you, they can trip you up. Fortunately, you have the resources to get ahead, and this time you will too. The worries and tensions that overwhelmed you are softened and you will see life with different eyes. Focus on those things that are important to you.
10. Weekly horoscope for Leo (June 28 to July 4)
Some situation in your life is overcoming you, but you should not get carried away by nervousness or impulsiveness because a serene and patient attitude is what will help you the most. these moments. On the 27th, the planet of love, Venus, enters your sign. Its energy will enhance your seduction and will make the sun shine on your sentimental life.
11. Taurus Weekly Horoscope (June 28 to July 4)
Some disappointment or disappointment will make you feel discouraged, but you will know how to control your emotions and you will learn from your mistakes. Do not be fooled by proposals that at first sight promise a lot, but that can bring you money problems. You can meet someone with whom you will have a lot of affinity, without feeling overwhelmed by any demands.
12. Libra weekly horoscope (June 28 to July 4)
You may be subjected to many emotional tensions that are affecting you. You need to open your heart to let off steam and find solutions. The Last Quarter of the Moon can bring you the changes you are needing. Its energy balances your internal contradictions so that you recover harmony and have a clearer path to follow.