A simple and concise proposal, to unify all the political and civil forces that believe in Europe. The manifesto conceived by former minister Carlo Calenda tries to compact all currents in view of the European elections in May. A declaration therefore that is not directed only to the Democratic Party, but also to + Europe by Emma Bonino, Italy in the municipality of Federico Pizzarotti and above all to all Italian citizens because “the destiny of Europe is the destiny of Italy”.
“The Union is therefore a great achievement of history – reads the manifesto – but like any human construction it is reversible if we are not ready to fight to defend it and make it progress. European citizens are now called to this task ”.
The Calenda manifesto specifies that “no challenge is won by playing only in defense”, so the union of forces must be based on a series of shared priorities:
1. “Managing transformations: investing and protecting”, with a “New Deal ”for man in the digital age to fight functional illiteracy. The permanent training of workers and the foundation of “a new welfare system 4.0 that includes the European unemployment benefit proposed by Italy” must be financed with European funds.
2. “Together stronger in the world”. The manifesto focuses on common policies on defense, security, border control and immigration. As well as the construction of a European army, the unification of the defense budgets of the member countries and the “Migration Compact”, the plan to help the countries of origin and transit of migrants in managing flows, humanitarian assistance and repatriation .
3. “Less deficit plus European budget”. Not just debt. The proposal is to create own resources to finance welfare, investments, research and training in member countries.
4. “From economic capital to share capital”. Reality has shown that economic growth does not always translate into an equitable distribution of wealth. The mission is to include the sustainable development goals of the United Nations 2030 agenda.
5. “Achieving European scientific leadership”. The digital revolution, climate change, sustainable energy and medical advances in Europe must follow the pace of global development. The gap with the world powers is widening and collaboration between universities and research centers in the Member States is necessary. With a consequent increase in investment resources. In this regard, it is a priority to define a precise agenda for the advancement of the European project.
6. “A ‘group of Rome’ to refound Europe”. The governments of the so-called “Visegrad group” must be contrasted by a “Rome group” that defines a precise agenda for the advancement of the European project. The imminent choice is between moving forward all together, assuming common responsibilities or making a Europe with different degrees of integration.
The following have joined the manifesto: Stefano Allievi, Full Professor of Sociology at the University of Padua; Francesca Amirante, Full Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, Catholic University, Rome; Alberto Baban, Entrepreneur; Daniele Barbuto, former Embraco worker; Brenda Barnini, Mayor of Empoli; Vincenzo Barone, Full Professor of Chemistry-Physics Scuola Normale Superiore and Academico dei Lincei; Rosy Barretta, Entrepreneur; Francesca Barzini, Promoter “Rome says enough”; Roberto Bernabei, Full Professor of Geriatrics, Catholic University, Rome; Alessandro Bobba, President of LVIA – International Cooperation and Solidarity Association; Stefania Boccia, Full Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at the Catholic University; Alberto Bombassei, Entrepreneur; Stefano Bonaccini, President of the Emilia Romagna Region; Irene Bozzoni, Full Professor of Biology at La Sapienza University of Rome; Salvatore Bragantini, Economist; Virginio Brivio, Mayor of Lecco; Massimo Bruno, Mayor of Alghero; Carlo Calenda, former Minister of Economic Development; Tatiana Campioni, Promoter “Rome says enough”; Romano Carancini, Mayor of Macerata; Sergio Chiamparino, President of the Piedmont Region; Gennaro Ciliberto, Full Professor of Molecular Biology, University of Catanzaro Magna Grecia; Luciano Cimmino, Entrepreneur; Gilberto Corbellini, Director of the Department of Human and Social Sciences, Cultural Heritage – CNR; Pietro Corsi, Full Professor of History of Science, University of Oxford; Claudio Cricelli, General Practitioner, Florence; Ilenia De Bernardis, Researcher of Italian literature; Mario De Curtis, Full Professor of Pediatrics, University of Rome La Sapienza; Michele De Luca, “Director of the Center for Regenerative Medicine” “Stefano Ferrari” “University of Modena and Reggio Emilia”; Michele de Pascale, Mayor of Ravenna; Claudio De Vincenti, Full Professor of Economics of Economics, La Sapienza University of Rome, former Minister for Territorial Cohesion and the South; Emilio Del Bono, Mayor of Brescia; Massimo Depaoli, Mayor of Pavia; Leopoldo Destro, entrepreneur; Paolo Dieci, President of CISP – International Committee for the Development of Peoples; Giuseppe Falcomata, Mayor of Reggio Calabria; Brunangelo Falini, Full Professor of Hematology, University of Perugia; Emma Fattorini, Full Professor of Contemporary History at La Sapienza University of Rome; Carlo Feltrinelli, Entrepreneur: Alessandro Finazzi Agro, Full Professor of Biochemistry University of Rome Tor Vergata; Gianluca Galimberti, Mayor of Cremona; Daniele Garrone, Professor of the Old Testament at the Waldensian Faculty of Theology; Emiliano Giorgi, Worker AST Terni; Mario Giro, DEMOS – SOLIDARITY DEMOCRACY Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation; Cinzia Giudici, President of COSV – Coordination of voluntary service organizations; Andrea Gnassi, Mayor of Rimini; Giorgio Gori, Mayor of Bergamo; Antonio Gozzetto, former Ilva worker; Adolfo Guzzini, Entrepreneur; Andrea Illy; Business owner; Francesco Italia, Mayor of Syracuse; Francesca Izzo, Founder of “If not now when”; Alessandra Lanza, Economist; Alessandra Laterza, Le Torri Bookshop – Tor Bella Monaca Rome; Marco Leonardi, Professor of Political Economy – University of Milan; Gianfranco Librandi, Entrepreneur; Lucio Luzzatto, Honorary Professor of Hematology, University of Florence and Muhibili University Dar-el-Salaam, Tanzania; Valeria Mancinelli, Mayor of Ancona; Veronica Manfrotto, Palazzo Roberti bookshop – Bassano; Pier Mannuccio Mannucci, Emeritus Professor of Internal Medicine, University of Milan; Silvia Marchionini, Mayor of Verbania; Catiuscia Marini, President of the Umbria Region; Gerry Melino, Full Professor of Biochemistry, University of Rome Tor Vergata; Rinaldo Melucci, Mayor of Taranto; Paolo Merloni, Entrepreneur; Virginio Merola, Mayor of Bologna; Stella Morra, Theologian – Lecturer at the Pontifical Gregorian University; Luigi Naldini, Director of the San Raffaele Telethon Institute of gene therapy, Milan; Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence; Edoardo Nesi, Writer; Mattia Palazzi, Mayor of Mantua; Gianni Palazzolo; Mayor of Cinisi; Franco Pandolfi, Director of the School of Specialization in Allergology and Clinical Immunology of the Catholic University of Rome; Luca Paolazzi, Economist; Carlo Patrono, Professor of Pharmacology – Academico dei Lincei; Marinella Perroni, Theologian – Coordination of Italian Theologians; Francesco Petrelli, NGO Operator – Executive AOI – Italian NGO Association; Mauro Piacentini, Full Professor of Cell Biology, University of Rome Tor Vergata; Francesco Pigliaru, President of the Sardinia Region; Giuliano Pisapia, Lawyer – former Mayor of Milan; Riccardo Poletto, Mayor of Bassano del Grappa; Flavio Radice, Entrepreneur; Carlo Alberto Redi, Full Professor of Zoology – University of Pavia – Academico dei Lincei; Matteo Ricci, mayor of Pesaro; Andrea Ricci, Vice President of the Institute for Systems Integration Studies, Rome; Walter Ricciardi; Full Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine Catholic University, Rome; Enrico Rossi, President of the Tuscany Region; Beppe Sala, mayor of Milan; Carlo Salvemini, former Mayor of Lecce; Armando Santoro, Full Professor of Oncology – Humanitas University Milan; Serena Sapegno, Professor of Italian literature, La Sapienza University of Rome; Rosario Scaramuzzi, FCA Pomigliano worker; Paolo Scudieri, Entrepreneur; Pierfrancesco Sedda, former Alcoa worker; Nino Sergi, President emeritus of Intesos and Policy Advisor of Link 2007; Emanuele Severino, Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Philosophy, Academician of the Lincei; Roberta Siliquini, Full Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, University of Turin; Filippo Spagnuolo, CCM Director – Medical Collaboration Committee; Mila Spicola, Teacher and pedagogist; Rebecca Spitzmiller, Retake Founder – Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic; Irene Tinagli, Economist; Sandro Trento, Professor of Economics and Management at the University of Trento; Giuseppe Vacca, Historian; Ersilia Vaudo, International Organization Officer; Luca Vecchi, Mayor of Reggio Emilia; Stefano Vella, Director of the National Center for Global Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanita; Maura Viezzoli, Vice President of CISP – International Committee for the Development of Peoples; Alberto Villani, Director of General Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases, Bambin Gesu Pediatric Hospital, Rome. Founder Retake – Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic; Irene Tinagli, Economist; Sandro Trento, Professor of Economics and Management at the University of Trento; Giuseppe Vacca, Historian; Ersilia Vaudo, International Organization Officer; Luca Vecchi, Mayor of Reggio Emilia; Stefano Vella, Director of the National Center for Global Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanita; Maura Viezzoli, Vice President of CISP – International Committee for the Development of Peoples; Alberto Villani, Director of General Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases, Bambin Gesu Pediatric Hospital, Rome. Founder Retake – Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic; Irene Tinagli, Economist; Sandro Trento, Professor of Economics and Management at the University of Trento; Giuseppe Vacca, Historian; Ersilia Vaudo, International Organization Officer; Luca Vecchi, Mayor of Reggio Emilia; Stefano Vella, Director of the National Center for Global Health, Istituto Superiore di Sanita; Maura Viezzoli, Vice President of CISP – International Committee for the Development of Peoples; Alberto Villani, Director of General Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases, Bambin Gesu Pediatric Hospital, Rome. Director of the National Center for Global Health, Higher Institute of Health; Maura Viezzoli, Vice President of CISP – International Committee for the Development of Peoples; Alberto Villani, Director of General Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases, Bambin Gesu Pediatric Hospital, Rome. Director of the National Center for Global Health, Higher Institute of Health; Maura Viezzoli, Vice President of CISP – International Committee for the Development of Peoples; Alberto Villani, Director of General Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases, Bambin Gesu Pediatric Hospital, Rome.