The Army General Staff has sent a letter to the top commands on personnel and weapons systems given the developments on the international chessboard “following the well-known events”
Circular letter from the Italian Army Staff on the war in Ukraine, so much noise not at all
Here are all the details.
“Pay particular attention in evaluating applications for” early leave “,” as in a moment characterized by the intensification of geopolitical tensions, every possible effort must be made so that the valuable skills can be available “.
It is a passage from the letter that the Army General Staff sent to the top commands on personnel, training, employment and weapon systems in view of the evolutions on the international chessboard, “following the known events” and “with immediate effect” .
In the circular it is specified that “the personnel on a fixed basis must primarily feed the departments that express unity in readiness in the next two years and that all the units in readiness must be 100% fed with ready-to-move personnel, with no restrictions on operational use, even by resorting to the institution of ‘command’. This line of action is a priority “.
“All training activities, even those of the lower order levels, must be oriented towards warfighting. In this regard, the postponement of all exercises that are not specifically aimed at maintaining operational capabilities aimed at the first and second missions is ordered. Each artillery regiment must be trained to operate both in the direct support role and in the general support role. ”
And again: “It is necessary to evaluate the possibility of training / operational affiliation of the transmission battalions to the Large Units. It is necessary to ensure greater homogeneity of the forces that contribute to the conduct of operations, avoiding as far as possible the splitting of units. The necessary activities must be put in place to accelerate the operational availability of the 52 ‘Turin’ artillery regiment, giving priority to self-propelled batteries, also using the training / training potential of the 8 Pasubio “.
As for weapon systems, General Pisciotta’s circular recommends “ensuring that the maximum levels of efficiency are achieved and maintained for all tracked vehicles, helicopters (with a focus on platforms equipped with self-defense systems) and weapon systems artillery “. The complete letter (PDF)
Maximum “operational readiness”. The indication to the commands comes from the office of the Army Chief of Staff, Pietro Serino.
The directives are explicit, direct, immediate. Attention, therefore, to early leave: with the Russia-Ukraine conflict and “the intensification of geopolitical tensions”, “every possible effort” must be made to retain “valuable resources”.
A passage, for some sensational, reads: «All training activities» reads the text signed by General Bruno Pisciotta «must be oriented towards warfighting». Combat in war.
The last chapter concerns the «Weapon Systems». The Army General Staff urges the commands to “ensure that the maximum levels of efficiency of all tracked vehicles, helicopters (with focus on platforms equipped with self-defense systems) and artillery weapon systems are achieved and maintained”.
In a scenario like the current one, it is an almost routine circular, at least obligatory. The mobilization of the Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force and Carabinieri) has already started some time ago. In Romania, the blue army has already been operational for weeks. The Navy, in turn, plans and evaluates potential operational plans. Other joint jobs, such as those of our Special Forces, remain reserved with high or very high secrecy ratings.
The Minister of Defense, Lorenzo Guerini, now confronts himself every day with the head of Smd, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone. Contacts with NATO are «24 hours». And it is a continuous communication and indications with the military leaders: Serino for the Army, Enrico Credendino (Navy), Luca Goretti (Air Force) and Teo Luzi (Arma dei Carabinieri).
And with the number one of Covi (joint top operational command), Francesco Figliuolo: at the end of the month he will leave the office of extraordinary commissioner for the Covid-19 emergency but in command of the international missions and installed since January 19. The conversation between the Minister of Defense, Chief of Smd and Secretary General of Defense-Director General of Armaments, Luciano Portolano, is even more reserved.
In reality, in some respects more silent but also much more threatening, there is now a conflict, as they say in the jargon, “multidomain”. Where cyber and space have been added to the traditional land, sea and air. And in Defense, the Cos (command of space operations) and above all Cor (command of network operations), the joint military specialty for cyber warfare, are in a similar operational fibrillation.
+++ The complete letter (PDF)