Ideas, proposals and political ambitions of the publisher of Corriere della Sera, Urbano Cairo, patron of La 7
Sara Urbano Cairo, the prime minister of the next electoral coalition that opposes M5s and Lega
E will also be supported by the Democratic Party as well as by Forza Italia and centrist movements and pro-Europeans
This is what analysts, politicians and political scientists are asking today after the fluvial interview that the major shareholder of Corriere della Sera, Urbano Cairo, also owner of La 7, gave Annalisa Chirico for Il Foglio founded by Giuliano Ferrara; newspaper that in these hours is cheering passionately for an agreement between the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement to scrap the yellow-green executive.
The failure of the M5s, the flop of the League, the criticisms of the red-yellow government, Europe as the pivot of the future. Here is the political manifesto of Urbano Cairo – by @AnnalisaChirico
– Il Foglio (@ilfoglio_it) August 26, 2019
The “political” sortie of Cairo, however, reinforces the impression that many observers had grasped watching the TV broadcaster’s talk shows as well as reading the editorials of the Rizzoli newspaper: a growing aversion to the Lega and the 5 Star Movement after extensive credit openings – not to say real praise – for Pentastellati (most of them remember interviews rather lying down, for example, to Davide Casaleggio on the Corsera).
But what is the political program of the still non-political Cairo
At the moment the idea of ​​going down into the political arena “does not touch me”, even though “I had been planning the climb to RCS for ten years without ever mentioning it to anyone, in absolute secrecy. One day I made it. Dreams are not revealed in advance: they are put into practice ”, said the president of RCS Urbano Cairo in a long interview with Il Foglio.
For the manager, “Grillini and the Northern League have failed, it seems clear to me” – he told the newspaper directed by Claudio Cerasa – the government contract between M5s and Lega “was totally unrealistic, Salvini and Di Maio had irreconcilable agendas”.
For Cairo grillini and the Northern League “they made us lose fifteen months, in the meantime the economy has stagnated, and even in foreign policy we have not made a great impression”.
The publisher and entrepreneur does not hesitate and beat the head of the League: Matteo Salvini “knows how to shake the streets, foments the crowds as an expert politician, but governing is a whole other story. By making the big voice in Europe, what has he achieved
”. While the M5s “has promoted inexperienced people into institutional roles”.
Among the measures of the past government, the president of RCS rejects measures such as citizenship income, quota 100 and the dignity decree.
According to Cairo, among the measures to be adopted, there are incentives for investments, with a plan of robust tax breaks; facilitate access to credit and carry out a serious tax reform.
For the elections “autumn seems to me a really rash move, there is a maneuver to be done, the savings of the Italians must be protected”.
Despite having received a lot of solicitations to go into politics “at the moment, I couldn’t imagine myself in different roles. On my shoulders lies the responsibility of five thousand employees, as many in the related industries “.
The failure of the M5s, the flop of the League, the criticisms of the red-yellow government, Europe as a pivot. And then the newspapers, football and 5 ideas to relaunch Italy. Interview in Cairo, who offers a political manifesto playing with his descent into the field.https: //
– Claudio Cerasa (@claudiocerasa) August 26, 2019

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