The daily appointment is renewed with Oggi and another day , the Rai1 show broadcast every afternoon under the guidance of Serena Bortone. This time, the extraordinary guest of the show was Corinne Clery , a very successful actress and beloved television personality.
In addition to retracing her glittering career, Corinne Clery spoke at length about her private life– which, in fact, was quite eventful. From when she, still very young, she met her first love: “I come from a family where it was not customary to go out, and sleeping outside was just a thing of the other world. As a girl I used to go to sleep with my grandmother, because I wanted to see my boyfriend. Nobody knew anything “- said the actress, revealing some more details about her relationship with Hubert Wayaffe, her first husband -” This boy was older than me and very famous, I married him and became the father of my son”.
The two met when she, just 17, made an appearance in a movie. But it wasn’t love at first sight: “I hated him, then he won me over”. Corinne got married in 1967, eshortly thereafter his only son Alexandre was born . Meanwhile, the story with Hubert has come to an end: “The marriage didn’t last even 3 years. I was convinced it would last a lifetime , because I came from a family of the Mulino Bianco. But I don’t set limits: if I’m happy I stay, if I’m not happy I leave ”.
Regarding the end of her first wedding, Clery admitted that it was a very tough decision: “With my son’s father I suffered a lot. I was a child, the situation was strange. My son had a bad disease and he was dying, I found myself having to choose between my two men. And I chose my son “. The actress actually experienced a very bad period when little Alexandre, at the time of just 11 months, fell ill with cholera and salmonellosis , even risking his life.
After the end of her story with Hubert, many other loves followed one another: Corinne Clery was married for 7 years with Luca Valerio , and later she had several very famous flirts. In 2004 she and she married for the third time with Giuseppe “Beppe” Ercole, ex-husband of Serena Grandi. The two women were great friends despite this, thoughthere have been misunderstandings that have surfaced especially in recent times. With Beppe, Clery lived an overwhelming love: “He knew how to keep me”.
The two remained together until the death of Hercules in 2010: “ I keep her ashes in the living room . I love him, I love him for life. But there is room for many other things ”- revealed Corinne. In fact, shortly after the disappearance of her husband, something unexpected happened: “My last important story was with Angelo” – she recalled the actress, speaking of the love she lived with Angelo Costabile. “He was 28 years younger than me. It happened 10 months after Joseph’s death. We were together for 8 years , we didn’t expect it, neither me nor him ”.
Before concluding the interview, Serena Bortone wanted to ask Corinne Clery what her relationship with her son was . The two have not seen each other for years, due to some misunderstandings: “There were some disagreements, but my son and I. I lived very badly, I got sick because of it , but after falling to the bottom I got back up ”.

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