There is no doubt that one of the primary objectives of the Andalusian Health Service (SAS) is that the coverage of vaccines reaches the maximum of the population. To make this possible, different initiatives of active recruitment are even carried out from the health centers so that especially the smallest have adequate coverage. But also adults. With this goal, the new vaccination calendar

was presented yesterday in Andalusiafor the year 2022, but that it will start from the end of 2021. Among the novelties, a very important one with respect to previous editions and that is that the new document includes the recommendations for all ages, including adulthood and vaccines for pregnant women, for thus promote the correct immunization of the Andalusian population.

News of the Andalusian vaccination calendar
But there is more, the latest update of the Andalusian vaccination schedule has expanded the number of diseases against which the SAS will protect the population. Mainly highlights the inclusion of the meningococcal B vaccine, better known by its trademark, Bexsero, which will be free from December 2021 for babies born after October 1. It is a vaccine that until 2015 was for hospital use and that since then has been administered after payment by families, at a cost of almost 105 euros per dose. In the first months, in addition, there were long waiting lists to be able to buy the preparation in pharmacies. The guideline of this vaccine that already includes the new vaccination schedule contemplates four doses (if it starts at two months),
In addition, the document highlights the rescue doses for women between 13 and 18 years of age with the papillomavirus vaccine (suitable from 12 years of age), which includes a change in preparation and only the 9-genotype vaccine (Gardasil 9) will begin to be used. It also includes the extension of the age of systematic vaccination against pneumococcus in adults, being able to access them all people born after 1951. For its part, in the case of the flu vaccine, it has been agreed to use only tetravalent preparations in all the indicated groups, as well as the authorization for the co-administration of influenza vaccines with pneumococcal or influenza vaccines. Also with Tdap in pregnant women (reinforcement against diphtheria and tetanus).
In total, this vaccination program includes the necessary doses to deal with 14 diseases and is located, as the document itself emphasizes, “in one of the most advanced vaccination schedules currently, both nationally and internationally, resulting in this circumstance “in a better health of the resident population in Andalusia”.
By age groups, the Andalusian vaccination calendar presented yesterday in online format at the I Andavac Virtual Congress, under the coordination of the Andalusian Strategic Vaccination Plan and the General Directorate of Public Health and Pharmaceutical Management, with the support of the Andalusian School of Public Health, details the list of vaccines covered by the Andalusian public health system from birth to 70 years of age, with a total of ten antidotes to which others would be added, such as the vaccine against Covid-19 or the flu .
Do you want to know the 2021-2022 vaccination calendar for all of Andalusia and for all ages
Today it is presented at the #ICongresoAndavac#AndaluciaSeVacuna
– Ministry of Health and Families (@saludand) November 3, 2021
Starting before birth, Salud assumes the administration of vaccines against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough in pregnant women from the 27th week of gestation, preferably in week 27 or 28, to which, in addition, it is recommended to be vaccinated against the flu.
At two months of age, protection against tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough is included; poliomyelitis; Haemophilus influenzaeb; pneumococcus conjugate; and the first dose of meningococcus B. At four, all the previous ones are repeated and, in addition, the one of meningococcus C is injected. From here the vaccine recommendations are passed just before the year, at 11 months, when another dose of tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis, polio; Haemophilus influenzaeb; and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine.
As early as the first year of life, a dose of ACWY meningococcal vaccine is recommended. This vaccine is applied at this age simultaneously with the triple viral vaccine. Then, at 15 months, the meningococcus B is repeated and the varicella vaccine is also administered.
From 15 months it is passed to three years, when another dose of the chickenpox vaccine is applied together with the triple viral vaccine against measles, rubella, mumps. At six years old, the arsenal expands. Minors must receive a booster dose of tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, in addition they will be given a dose of the inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine (IPV), so that it counts as a fourth dose of poliomyelitis, therefore, for these children, Starting in January 2023, a combined DTPa-IPV vaccine is scheduled to be used. A “rescue vaccination” of the triple virus is added to those who do not have a history of vaccination or proof of a history of suffering from measles born after 1970 and also from chicken pox.
Already in adolescence, vaccination against the human papillomavirus (HPV) is recommended in all women 12 years of age, with a schedule of 2 doses, separated by at least 6 months, as well as a rescue vaccination between 13 and 18 years of the ACWY meningococcal vaccine. At age 14, another dose of the adult-type tetanus and diphtheria vaccine is included.
For its part, the Andalusian vaccination strategy also covers adults, recommending annual vaccination against influenza from 65 years of age. In addition, the vaccination schedule also points out the relevance of being vaccinated against pneumococcus between 60 and 70 years of age, as well as the recommendation of the dose of the Td (tetanus and diphtheria) vaccine from 65 years of age.

More than 1,500 health workers at the I Andavac Virtual Congress

More than 1,500 professionals have participated this Wednesday in the I Andavac Virtual Congress, held in Granada and organized by the Ministry of Health and Families of the Junta de Andalucia. It is an online meeting, coordinated by the Strategic Vaccination Plan of Andalusia and the General Directorate of Public Health and Pharmaceutical Regulation, with the support of the Andalusian School of Public Health, whose main objective is to address the most relevant and current issues on vaccines, which are of interest to both the scientific community and the Andalusian population.
Other highly relevant topics have also been addressed, such as the vaccination of people in risk groups, special vaccination situations, the Public Health Surveillance Strategy, analysis of the Covid-19 vaccination campaign and next steps, among others.
The opening of the I Andavac Congress was carried out by the Deputy Minister of Health and Families, Catalina Garcia, the General Director of Public Health and Pharmaceutical Management, Jose Maria de Torres, the Managing Director of the Andalusian School of Public Health, Blanca Fernandez- Capel and the managing director of the Andalusian Health Service (SAS), Miguel Angel Guzman.
The Vaccination Calendar of Andalusia has been presented by the director of the Strategic Plan of the Andalusian Vaccination Plan, David Moreno, together with the nurse of the Principe de Asturias Health Center in Utrera, in Seville, Marta Bernal; and the family doctor of the Algeciras Norte Health Center (Cadiz), Daniel Ocana, members of the Committee of Experts of the Andalusian Vaccination Plan.
In the round table Vaccines in daily practice, moderated by the Head of the Pediatric Service of the Costa del Sol Hospital and member of the Committee of Experts of the Andalusian Vaccination Plan, Javier Alvarez, the pediatrician of the San Isidro Health Center participated from Los Palacios (Seville), Inmaculada Martin, the family nurse from the Castilleja de la Cuesta Health Center (Seville) and coordinator of the ASANEC vaccine working group, Eva Alman, and the family doctor from the Bola health center Azul de Almeria and coordinator of the Infections and Vaccines Group of the Spanish Society of General and Family Physicians (SEMG).
The general director of Public Health and Pharmaceutical Regulation, Jose Maria de Torres, together with the director of Healthcare and Health Results, Diego Vargas, have been in charge of moderating the Public Health Table, in which the director of the Strategy of Surveillance and Response in Public Health, Nicola Lorusso and the head of the Preventive Medicine Service, Inmaculada Salcedo, have taken charge of the table Vaccines in the world of Public Health, while the general director of Public Health of the Community of Madrid, Elena Andradas, the general director of Public Health of the Community of Galicia, Carmen Duran, and the general director of Public Health of the Community of Castilla La Mancha, Juan Jose Camacho, have focused on vaccination strategies massive.
The presentation Update on Covid-19 vaccination has been developed by the head of the Pediatrics service of the Santiago de Compostela Hospital, Federico Martinon.
At the conclusion of the Congress, the Andavac Awards were presented, with which the Ministry of Health and Families intends to recognize the delivery of health professionals during the vaccination campaigns against Covid-19 and the flu.

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