We will have to wait to see the AVLO trains, which offer high speed at low cost (low cost), in Seville. The service will reach the Seville capital throughout 2022, according to the forecasts handled by the company. It will be almost a year after its premiere, this June 23, on the Madrid-Barcelona line with four trains in each direction and with prices starting at 7 euros each way .
The ‘Low Cost’ AVE enters service in Spain with this route because, according to the president of Renfe, Isaias Taboas, “travel time was more competitive with the road. That’s why we started there. Not for any other reason”.
Renfe’s low cost trains come into service almost a month and a half after the French company Oiugowill formalize the liberalization of passenger rail transport in Spain.
The public company defends in a statement that it is, in addition, zero emission trains that contribute to sustainable transport and that will circulate with electricity 100% from renewable sources and with certified origin.
Renfe’s objective with this new service is to facilitate high-speed access to all segments of the population, so that prices will start at 7 euros and only Tourist Class will be marketed, including one cabin suitcase as free luggage. (such as airplane) plus a handbag or backpack.
85% do not travel by train due to covid-19
Regarding thesituation of the Covid-19 , Renfe’s forecast is that at the end of this year 2021 the demand for mobility will rise to 70%, compared to that of 2019. Currently, the volume of travelers is 50% compared to what there was before the pandemic, although “the recovery curve, driven by the vaccination of the population, will accelerate the increase in travel.”
Renfe’s forecast is that at the end of this year 2021 the demand for mobility will rise to 70%, compared to that of 2019
For services and at a national level, Taboas has detailed that the offer of Cercanias today is practically 100% and the passenger demand for these trains is around 53%. In Media Distancia, the offer is more than 60%, compared to the offer before the pandemic, with a demand of around 50%. As for the Long Distance High Speed ​​commercial trains on the South axis, Renfe offers 40% of the supply, with a lower demand.
In this scenario, Taboas has had an impact on current mobility and traveler attitude trends. According to the latest surveys, 85% of travelers say they have stopped traveling due to uncertainty about the situation of the places of destination(perimeter closure, curfew time and other measures). 5% of those surveyed declare that they have stopped using the train for economic reasons and it does not reach 6% who affirm that they do not travel for fear of the means of transport .