The data ensures that Mercadona is being the distributor most affected by the pandemic and the growth of online commerce. However, Juan Roig’s chain does not seem willing to maintain this trend for much longer and continues to innovate in the services it offers its users. After the FFP2 masks were put on sale in supermarkets and the 3-euro hand sanitizer from Deliplus, which is causing a furor, a new reusable hygienic mask has just been released , which allow them to be washed a certain number of times to lengthen its useful life.
We are facing three-layer masksoffered in a pack of 5 units and presented in a single size with measurements of 18 cm x 9.5 cm. Its filtration capacity is proven with up to 15 washes and it has a durability of 4 hours.
They are three-layer masks that are offered in a pack of 5 units and have a durability of up to four hours
Regarding the washing instructions from Mercadona, they point out that the ideal is to submerge the mask in a 1:50 bleach dilution with warm water (20 ml of bleach per liter of water) for 30 minutes. Afterwards, it should be washed with soap and water and rinsed well to remove any traces of bleach, leaving it to dry for two hours. And forget about using inadvisable shortcuts such as the microwave, dryers, heaters…
You also have to be very attentive to the process of removing the mask , one of the moments when it is most exposed to contamination. The first thing we should do is take off the protective gloves we are wearing, then wash our hands with soap and water or apply hydroalcoholic gel and finally remove the mask without touching the front part and holding the rubber bands.

Recommendations for use

Finally, regarding the recommendations for use of this reusable hygienic mask from Mercadona, the following stand out:
Do not use the mask for more than 4 hours.
Replace mask if it gets wet or damaged.
Wash the mask every time it gets dirty or cannot be placed correctly on the face.
Do not place the mask on the forehead or chin during use.
Avoid contact with any surface.
Avoid environments where the mask can become contaminated.
The mask can only be removed in accordance with the removal instructions.
➡️ If you prefer to extend the useful life of your mask, choose our new reusable hygienic masks.
Maximum 15 washes and 4 hours of duration.
– Mercadona (@Mercadona) March 17, 2021

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